Apr 22, 2019

Council of Love | ~ ๐Ÿ’• Freeing your inner Jesus ๐Ÿ’• ~ | Blogger: Pssst!: Did you know, that Jesus Christ, were 125 years old? - according to Denmark's most significant Bible researcher and the book "Christ in Kashmir" written by a Muham- madan named Aziz Kashmiri in 1973... ๐ŸŒฌ️Verdensalt.dk could spend 24/7 on blog posts - soooo much is going on, right now. Our guides ask us all, 'to step back', from what you are seeing and feeling, so that you are not getting “swallowed” by these moments so much as quietly observing them as they arise... 'Mike Quinsey tells us, In the midst of all of the turmoil occurring on Earth, it is necessary if not vital that you keep looking straight ahead never losing sight of your goal'...St. Germain waits for the appropriate time to use the enormous funds he has accumulated whilst in his charge, and kept for the upliftment and advancement of Mankind... 'The Arctu- rian Group Message: This is the period known as the "Dark night of the soul"--the part of the Master's story where he was alone, confused, and praying in the desert with a sense of what was coming... So the future is very bright and there will be unlimited funds to ensure that it is, so to say “money is no object”... BE GUIDED & BE PREPARED - It's going to be a roller-coaster ride, because you're not sure, you make a difference, but you do!... TIME TO TAKE PHYSICAL, MENTAL & EMOTI- ONAL ACTION OVER YOUR CONTROLLED AVATAR BODY, MIND & FEAR .. ๐Ÿ˜‡So be it and so it is... |

Spirit Broadcast 

DayBreak Apr 22, 2019

The Joy of Coffee 

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