Apr 22, 2019

John Smallman Special Message | ~ Seattle is Dying ~ |

The above is very disturbing and saddening, it’s not new, and it’s certainly not just in Seattle, it’s worldwide. Billions and billions spent on military weapons systems to ensure that MAD (mutually assured destruction, in case you had forgotten, but who could?) is possible, when we need to be looking after people in dire straits properly. And, of course, NO ONE knows how to do that. Loads of people feeling so unloved, so worthless, so useless that they just give up.

There are lots of very good people out there doing their best to help, like ex Police Officer Todd Wiebke, but the problem appears to be insurmountable, and so they burn out and move on . . . and I’m sure you are all well aware of this, so maybe I should not be sharing it as you each probably have more than enough to be concerned about already in your own lives without adding this.

But I truly believe that if we strongly intend to hold a loving thought that those in such abject poverty receive what they desperately need — physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually — when we are in our quiet spaces meditating, and direct it in the right direction — to those who are suffering, or to those who are out there helping them — then it helps to start bringing about the essential changes worldwide that are necessary to deal compassionately, courageously, and effectively with this heart breaking problem. After all, look what Mahatma Gandhi achieved.

And I think that Easter is a very appropriate time to reflect on the intense suffering that so many are undergoing, as we continue to hold the intent to be loving whatever arises, and by doing so play our absolutely essential and individual parts in humanity’s awakening process.



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