Apr 7, 2019

Berlingske | ~ Villa surrounded by mystery at one of Europe's distant corners: Some believe that Hitler sought refuge here ~ | Blogger: [FBI Quietly Opens Secret Files That Attest HITLER WENT TO ARGENTINA Rather Than Commit Suicide] .. To Berlingske Media: »Fuerteventura« - 🤥'No way, Jose'. Can you say: Argentina? ... Why did Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II of Denmark & HRH Crown Prince Frederik with companions on a large-scale trip to Argentina for exploration in March 2019? Why did Obama visit Argentina in 2016 and Denmark, 2018? Because Rothschild owns Argentina and DK. Berlingske Media has even broken a golden journalistic media CIA Mockingbird rule, telling us all, since the 2000 that, 'The Danish State often chooses Rothschild as financial advisor, according to the ministries due to the house's special competencies'. Why did Obama travel to Bariloche, of all places? In fact, Bariloche, the Nazi South American headquarters and there are, military underground bases, e.g. a huge secret submarine station hidden here ... Did you know that declassified secret FBI files show that Hitler escaped to Argentina in 1945? ... Did you know there is no escape from the Illuminati in Argentina? Argentina was sometimes called the fifth British domin- ance because the British Rothschilds and other British investors owned so much of Argentina... Sooo... Let's assume, that, Hitler, WAS alive AFTER WWII ended and Merkel = Hitler's baby (sperm sample) and NOW QANON CONFIRMS, just that .. 'You Are Free TV' also says, that QANON has revealed that Chancellor Angela Merkel with Jean-Claude Juncker (from high breed Nazi families) and other 'dark government' EU marauders, is placed as leaders, spreading islam by the sword... Furthermore, Russia Today has recently revealed, that a treasure trove of Nazi-era paraphernalia has been discovered in a secret room behind a bookcase in Argen- tina, lending further weight that top Third Reich officials fled to the country at the close of World War II.... But as always - use your own spiritual discernment and don't 'ever' stay in the drama, for too long... Only truth counts.. |

LÆS VIDERE: Villa omgærdet af mystik ved en af Europas fjerneste afkroge: Nogle mener, at Hitler søgte tilflugt her

Blogger: Det er ikke længere en konspiration....

Læs artiklen i berlingske. Finansministeriet, Dong og Goldman Sachs er dybt tavse, dog viser en hemmelig rapport ifølge berlingske, at vindforretningen repræsenterer 73 pct. af værdien i DONG Energy. Det er jo ingen hemmelighed, at efter 146 år, har Rockefeller familien forladt oliebranchen. Maersk Oil, ATP, PFA, Dong, Novo - alle gik i panik, da DONGs største oliefelt i Nordsøen, 'Hejre-feltet', blev en katastrofe. Derfor skulle DONG finde nye alternativer meget hurtigt for, at tjene penge til deres aktionærer.

Med andre ord, DONG, som er ejet af den danske stat med 60 pct, er også ejet af andre investorer af den såkaldte bank-klan - 'Khazarian mafia banksters', de bliver alle forgyldt, efter børsintroduktionen. Samtlige storbanker, som er opridset her, står for selve noteringen, men kan ikke holde fingrene fra fedtefadet og har enten snydt med LIBOR-renten, rate swap scandal, derivater, pre-arrangeret handel, eller "parkering", kæmpe bøder for at misledte kunder, kreditkort-flinten, Panamapapers, Royal Mail flotation, 50.000 kunder forlod Danske Bank i 2015 grundet deres dårlige image osv. osv. Ikke nok med det, ifølge Benjamin Fulford, er Baron Jacob Nathaniel Rothschild 'BOSSEN' over alle bosser i bank-klanen, et andet familiemedlem, Baron David de Rothschild, er eftersøgt af det franske politi. Alt imens har Rothschild familien været special 'rådgiver' for den danske Stat. (ifølge berlingske)

Min egen, samt andres tese hvorfor vi er syltet ind i Bank-klanens overhoved Rothschild - fordi de redde Danmark's røv, helt tilbage i 1813 - Danmarks National Bank er en semi-privat og uafhængig selvejende institution oprettet ved lov. Uafhængigheden kan spores tilbage til dets oprettelse i 1818. Inden året 1818, gik Danmark konkurs i året 1813, 1814 tabte Danmark Norge til Sverige ved freden i Kiel. (konkursen grundet bl.a. lån fra Nathan Rothschild) Det er ukendt hvem der finansierede Danmark efter konkursen og under hvilke betingelser??.... I loven fra 1936 fremgår Nationalbankens uafhængighed ved, at Nationalbankens direktion har eneansvaret for at fastsætte de pengepolitiske renter...

Rothschild Bank Now Under Criminal Investigation Over Missing $4 Billion in Global Corruption Probe

Herunder blot 'nogle' af den uendelig bøderække, som disse banker har fået de seneste par år...


Links: 👉 

Aprilsnar: Historiker: Nu er det sikkert, at Hitler flygtede til Argentina

January 7, 2007

Daughter Of Adolph Hitler Vows To Complete European Union

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Eva Braun
Adolph Hitler

Angela Merkel
Eva and sister Gretl

It is with troubling concern that we report today that the Western Nations have announced this week that the ancient German city of Meerholz, Germany has now become the ‘Heart’ of the European Union with the inclusion of the former Soviet block nations of Bulgaria and Romania.
The symbolism of this ancient citadel, founded in 1170 by the German Emperor Frederick Barbarossa (who was also crowned the Holy Roman Emperor in 1155, and who has been known throughout history as Barbarossa) now being the ‘Heart’ of Europe cannot be lost upon our World of today, particularly when viewed in the light of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s vow today to unite all of Europe under one single constitution, which in effect would wipe out the National Sovereignty of all the countries in the European Union.
This vow being made by Angela Merkel to unite the European Continent under one flag cannot be ignored, especially when viewed in the light of still secret, but ‘obtainable’, Soviet KGB archive files which present a terrifying portrait of the present German Chancellor as being the daughter of the former German Nazi Leader, Adolf Hitler. 
Though said to be born on July 17, 1954 in the former Soviet controlled German Democratic Republic (East Germany), Angela Merkel’s Stasi GDR file (currently still held in the Soviet KGB archives) states that she was instead born on April 20, 1954, the birth date of her ‘true’ father, Adolph Hitler who was born on April 20, 1889.
The means of Angela Merkel’s birth, as detailed in these documents, was based upon the research of the German Doctor Carl Clauberg, and though classified as one of the worst Nazi ‘Angel of Death’ doctors, and convicted by the Soviet Courts as being a ‘war criminal’, was nevertheless freed by the Soviets as he was recognized as being the ‘Father’ of artificial insemination.
According to these reports, Doctor Clauberg was released by the Soviets after serving only seven years of his sentence in return for turning over to the KGB his hidden files on his Nazi artificial insemination experiments and, more horrifically, the frozen sperm of the former Nazi Dictator, Adolf Hitler.
Upon their receipt of the Nazi files on artificial insemination, along with Hitler’s frozen sperm, the Soviet Politicheskoye Buro (Politburo) authorized the experiments to ‘resurrect’, ‘if possible’, a child bearing the ‘genetic markers’ of Adolph Hitler.
Doctor Clauberg then brought to the GDR (Communist East Germany) the wife of Adolph Hitler’s, Eva Braun, youngest, and most devoted to the Third Reich, sister, Gretl to be the ‘surrogate’ mother for the intended offspring of the Hitler’s frozen sperm.  It was ‘reasoned’ that the combining of the genes between Hitler’s sperm and Eva Braun’s closest family would produce for the Soviets a ‘near match’ of what a child of Hitler and Eva Braun would have been, should one have been born.
Upon the birth of Angela Merkel in 1954 it was ‘agreed upon’ by the Soviets, Americans and the Vatican, that she would be ‘placed’ under the ‘control’ of the Catholic Church through its ‘connections’ with the GDR Lutheran Church, and whom she was in fact placed with.  Doctor Clauberg, after the birth of Hitler’s Daughter, and upon his return to West Germany was promptly imprisoned and then murdered almost two years later while still in custody of the West German and Americans.
In the, aforementioned, ‘agreement’ between the Soviets, the Western Powers and the Vatican, the ‘ascendancy’ of Hitler’s Daughter to power could not be achieved until the Vatican also brought to power a German Pope, and which was accomplished in 2005 following the death of Pope John Paul I, and which then brought to power the former German Nazi Joseph Ratzinger, and who is now known as Pope Benedict XVI, and who assumed the Leadership of the Roman Church on April 20, 2005 following his election the previous day. 
(It goes without mentioning the significance of the present Nazi Pope taking power on the 116th birthday anniversary of Adolph Hitler.)
Quickly following the Nazi German Pope to European power, Hitler’s Daughter was elected as the Chancellor of Germany on November 22, 2005, and which is one of the most significant dates for the World Globalists, as it was on November 22, 1859 that the ‘final assault’ upon Christianity was made with the publishing of Charles Darwin’s "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection", and whose intention of fragment the Western Worlds peoples from their truest origins, and meanings, has succeeded beyond their expectations.
Today, the Daughter of Hitler, holding the same office as her father, Chancellor of Germany, is now the most powerful human being on our Earth as she is also the President of the European Union (EU) and the head of the powerful Western Economic Block known as the G-8. 
More concerning, however, is that her Fathers dream of uniting Europe under German/Vatican control through war is now to be accomplished by his Daughter using deception.  For as we have been taught from our ancient past, in the uniting of the Continent begins the destruction of our present World, and which as the New Comet runs, and as Mabus has died, begins the tribulations of awakening and Final Destruction of the dragons of old.
© January 7, 2007 EU and US all rights reserved.

 [Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one.  No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors to protect their safety.]

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