Sep 9, 2018

RT \\ Yahoo Answers | Sep 9, 2018 | ~ 'Liar & thief': Serena Williams launches shocking tirade at umpire in US Open final defeat ~ | ~ Is Serena Williams a man or woman? ~ | Blogger: [👩IRREFUTABLE PROOF that Serena Williams IS A MAN (Like Michelle Obama a.k.a Michael Obama)👨] ... (Serena Williams Accuses Official of Sexism in U.S. Open Loss to Naomi Osaka) ... 🙆☿️🤸 - Is Serena Williams a man or woman? From Yahoo: 🚩 "Best Answer: Funniest question ever .... Thanks for making my day :D ... It's a woman btw :D" | Another comment: 🚩 "Serena Williams is a transgendered man. There is precedent for allowing men, posing as women, to compete at the highest athletic levels. Stella "The Fella" Walsh was a track athlete who competed against women, but after death, during embal- ming, it was revealed that a man had been competing against women for quite some time. Caster Semenya was an African track competitor who claimed she was a woman. After killing all of her competition, she revealed that she was a man. Serena is a transgendered woman, her body structure is that of a man, so is her brow. That's why the women's game is a joke, as John McEnroe has said in the past...."... 💣 PS: SOON, LGBT in Denmark, can celebrate the secret gay couple Obamas, in Kolding, serving students and danish business people with fake news distortion... |

