Sep 9, 2018 \\ | June 6, 2018 - Sep 9, 2918 | ~ Swiss town set for universal basic income experiment ~ | ~ 590 has already made their registration for basic income ~ | .. Some 600 people have enrolled in a private basic income experiment in Switzerland, less than a week after it was announced. The trial apparently aims to find out what the citizens are going to do if granted over $2,500 monthly. A Swiss filmmaker is hoping to show how paying people a guaranteed income could work in practice by conducting a year-long experiment in the town of Rheinau in the canton of Zurich .. | Blogger: [💱Has governments been forced by Rothschilds banks, to terminate the Unconditional Basic Income Europe!?💸] ... (48 percent of Americans now support the idea of living wages for workers who have lost their jobs for auto- mation, according to a survey published by Gallup earlier this year) ... Finland to end basic income trial after two years - Government rejects request for funds to expand scheme and plans stricter benefits rules... Italy's 5-Star Movement defends guaran- teed income pledge... Political Party Alternativet discusses basic income at annual convention, creates working group, but ex-Minister and Economist, Carsten Koch, refuses: 'No, Lars Seier, we do not need a citizen's salary... (Lars Seier, is a Multi Milliardaire, former CEO at Saxo Bank, and trying to control danish politics through The Liberal Alliance (Danish: Liberal Alliance)... |

Rheinau Abbey is one of the chief attractions of the area. Photo: Depositphotos