Aug 29, 2018

Dr. Michael Salla | Aug 29, 2018 | ~ Insiders Reveal Details of NASA & USAF Secret Space Programs ~ | Blogger: 💭PS: -- From when attended '2018 Conscious Life Expo': -- At Los Angeles Expo's prime event with David Wilcock started out discussing the Law of One - RA material. Suddenly Emery Smith (the ET Autopsy Insider) appeared on the stage (a few meters from me, he's a huuge guy) - and the crowd goes wild. David Wilcock friendship with Emery Smith goes 20 years back, after coming forward, he's hit with massive attack by the Dark Alliance. Emery Smith, the whistleblower formerly known as “Paul”, comes forward to reveal his work inside secret biological facilities deep under the New Mexico desert. You may have seen him in the film Sirius, as he was dissecting the Atacama Humanoid body. At stage he tells us of his induction into secret military testing facilities at Kirtland, AFB in NM where he was tasked with dissecting tissue samples taken from extraterrestrial bodies, hybrid creatures and Secret Bases. Living DNA controlled spaceships. Hallway to many corridors and doorways and like Andrew Basiago revealed, that twice in 1981 he was actually teleported from a CIA facility in California to a secret U. This was common for Emery to be teleported to unknown locations offworld in the 90'ish.... |


Insiders Reveal Details of NASA & USAF Secret Space Programs

Emery Smith, a former U.S. Air Force Surgical Assistant has confirmed that NASA has a manned secret space program in addition to its widely known civilian program, which uses an astronaut corps drawn from USAF personnel. In addition, Smith corroborated other insider testimony about secret space stations approximately 10 times larger than the International Space Station, which are serviced by TR-3B antigravity spacecraft flying out of MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida and other classified locations.

In the August 21 episode of Cosmic Disclosure with host David Wilcock and another Secret Space Program insider, Corey Goode, Smith discussed his knowledge of the secret NASA program, which is entirely separate to a USAF run program that is supported by the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office. Smith explained:
There are two sections to NASA. One is what the public sees and another underground Cabal type one, that does really mediocre stuff, as far as getting things into space for these other classified places. So their mission honestly is more on a supply type thing for them because they are kind of like the lower echelon compared to these other ones that Corey is talking about [USAF dominated secret space program]
Goode said that he was aware of USAF personnel trained to be astronauts with the secret NASA program, and encountered NASA personnel on one of the Moon’s secret bases called Lunar Operations Command.