Dec 5, 2018

peterpansblog | ~ Personal Notes from Ascension Conference Sao Paulo ~ | Blogger: First personal notes (beside verdensalt) from Cobra's conference in Brazil... Source blessing to Peter Reed... 🙏💟 |

Preface: When i first walked into the large hall and saw Cobra way down in the front on the stage, i felt a sense of “being back”… I felt at home again. He greeted the four hundred or so of us quite enthusiastically with a “Victory of the Light”. I felt his positive energy very strongly that we were getting so much closer to the Compression Breakthrough and the liberation of our planet. The following is my own personal interpretation of what he presented based on notes that i took and my memory. Anything that is in parenthesis and italics is from my own knowing and is included to enhance the meaning of what Cobra was talking about. If you were at the conference, feel free to make any comments or clarfications about the contents)

Day One, Morning session, first part Victory Of The Light!….we are close to the breakthrough … and one step further into the 5th dimension. Each one of us is a leader…..we are here to make our visions and ground them into physical reality. The strong thunderstorm last night is part of the process. There is a strong presence of the Light Forces here. This weekend there is important information which you can share, as long as you say where it came from and that it is your own interpretation.

Opening Meditation. Close your eyes and watch your breath… as you breathe in, breathe brilliant white light into your being…. as you breathe out, radiate this brilliant white light into your surroundings. …. Now as you breathe, breathe brilliant white light into your physical body… and as you breathe out, breathe out all the things you don’t need in your physical body…. and keep breathing like that… Now as you breathe in, breathe in brilliant white light into your physical body, and as you breathe out radiate this light into your surroundings.

Now as you breathe, breathe brilliant white light into your plasma body… and as you breathe out from your plasma body, release all the things you don’t need in your plasma body…. and keep breathing like that… Now as you breathe in, breathe in brilliant white light into your plasma body, and as you breathe out radiate this light into your surroundings.

Now as you breathe, breathe brilliant white light into your etheric body… and as you breathe out, release all the blocks in your chakras and meridians…. and keep breathing like that… Now as you breathe in, breathe in brilliant white light into your etheric body, and as you breathe out radiate this light into your surroundings.

Now as you breathe, breathe brilliant white light into your astral body… and permeate all your emotions with this light….and as you breathe out, release all your emotions you don’t need anymore, your anger, sadness fear…in your physical body…. and keep breathing like that… Now as you breathe in, breathe in brilliant white light into your astral body, and as you breathe out radiate this light into your surroundings...

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