Dec 22, 2018

Operation Disclosure | ~ Mr. Ed & RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - "Full Force" ~ | Blogger: As always, please use your own spiritual discernment... |

RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - "Full Force" - December 21, 2018

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

The Republic of the united States of America is being restored in real time.

The departure of specific government officials (Rogers, Sessions, Kelly, Mattis) means they've played their roles and accomplished their missions.

Therefore, significant progress (that is not yet visible to the public eye) for the restoration of the Republic has been made.

The BRICS are continuing their efforts to bring all nations to a consensus in to accepting the new quantum financial system. (QFS)

Otherwise, the Alliance will crash the stock market without notice and proceed with the transition in full force. (no matter what)

The RV is expected to begin sometime around these events.

Source: Operation Disclosure


* NOTE: There are 535 members in Congress. 380 of them are about to be arrested. That will leave only 155 good 'special elections' will be held to replace the 380 vacancies. (with more good ones)

So not to worry about the left showing their asses right now over the border wall funding.
It's all just a delay / distraction...but it will be short lived.

The good guys were going to shut it down anyway to make the change over. Things are not as they appear on TV news.

Mr.Ed :)

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