Dec 7, 2018

JP | ~ Klimarådets eksformand: Regeringen bad os droppe kritik ~ | Blogger: [🐦THE PELICAN BRIEF -- Let me get this straight: -- The Minister of Energy, Utilities and Climate of Denmark, who controls the use of HAARP from Norway over danish territories, Chemtrails, pollution in the major cities, pollution on a disastrous scale from environmental cost of Wind Turbine Manufacturing, Maersk Oil maritime pollution and Chemicals still in the ground from rubbish dumps and industrial sites pose a significant risk to water supplies, nuclear radioactive waste at Risø, tells Climate Council, to back off? ☢️] ... The Danish government has directly called on the Climate Council to refrain from criticism of government policy. It tells the outgoing Chairman of the Climate Council, economics professor Peter Birch Sørensen, to Politiken Friday. Last week Peter Birch Sørensen was wrecked as chairman of the Climate Council, which is the government's most important watchdog in the field of climate. It happened only a few days after a public detention between him and the Minister for Climate and Energy Lars Christian Lilleholt (V) .. |

- Allerede i den første rapport, vi afgav i slutningen af 2015, var vi kritiske, og der ytrede ministeren sin utilfredshed med vores konklusioner, siger Peter Birch Sørensen. Arkivfoto: Finn Frandsen

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