Oct 4, 2018

GAOG | Oct 4, 2018 | ~ Money Is Love – Oct. 3, 2018 – Part 2/2 ~ | Blogger: πŸ’§ It's funny how this author, Kat, mentioning blessings and visualizations waters off Fukushima... This is what (verdensalt) sent out every morning and at night, among many other blessings, affirmations, declarations, decrees and manifestations: "Water we are sorry, Water please forgive us, Water please save Fukushima and the rest of Water supplies in the world. Water we thank you, Water we love you"... πŸ’¦PS: From PAO's latest update from Sirians & spiritual hierarchy of the galactic federation: ".. The water crisis is one of the most obvious. Most of your world lacks a totally save water supply. Resources to provide it are there yet are unavailable, owing to politics and supposed expense. Blessings are to be bestowed, empowering you to use these funds to solve this monstrous humanitarian crisis. This is one of many infrastructure problems to be resolved: many others, such as roads, bridges, and restoring war-torn countries, require compassion, courage and cutting-edge thinking.. (..).. |

October 4, 2018 By Kat

Dr. Emoto’s Experiments

A few months ago, a friend, who is a renowned healer in my community, insisted I watch a documentary on Water. I kept putting it off but she was so persuasive, I took the time to watch it. Again, my perspective was shifted.

Before I return to Money, let me explain how the documentary impacted my view of money.

Before I watched it, I was aware of Dr. Masaru Emoto’s experiments with water. He proved that water responds very specifically to words and intentions: Kindness, Love, Anger, Cruelty, etc.

Dr. Emoto photographed the water crystals after saying each word, and each crystal would change its shape according to the word uttered.

Dr. Emoto wrote a beautiful, best-selling book in 2005, The Hidden Messages in Water, proving that Water has consciousness. Dr. Emoto also proved that polluted Water could be healed with prayer and visualization. (1)

(Because I believe Dr. Emoto, I can’t tell you how many prayers, blessings and visualizations I and many others, have sent to the waters off Fukushima. I sincerely hope they help that poisoned ocean to heal from the deadly radiation seeping into its waters, Lord.)

So I watched the documentary, Water: The Great Mystery. (2)

There were two stories that had a deep effect on me and my relationship to money.

The first was the story of the sailing ship, Laura. [11: 18 into the video] Three days into the voyage, a fire broke out, and the captain and some of its crew saved themselves in a lifeboat. After a few days, they ran out of water.

When they reached shore safely after three weeks adrift at sea, the captain wrote,

“We were dreaming of fresh water. We began to imagine that the water around the lifeboat was turning from ocean blue to the greenish hue of fresh water. I summoned up my strength and scooped some up. When I tasted it, the water was fresh.”

So the sea water, as Dr. Emoto proved and as Laura’s captain verified, responded to dreams and prayer.

The second story about water that deeply affected me is somewhere in the video but I can’t find it in time for this article. It was said that water does not like being pumped in filthy, pressurized pipes. That broke my heart. Think of all the plumbing in the world that water has to put up with. Yuk.

I immediately thought of taking crystals I had laid in specific corners in my house, and placing them next to the water pipes. So in three sinks and two bathtubs I’ve put Amethyst, Selenite, Rose quartz and clear quartz crystals. When friends drop by they ask me about the crystals in the sink?!

I tell them, “I’m sending the Violet Flame to the water. I’m sending Love and Appreciation to the water in the pipes especially. I am imagining sparkling clean pipes, and a happy environment for the precious water.”

You may say I’m a dreamer or cuckoo-for-coconuts and I wouldn’t disagree. But, honestly, my relationship with water has shifted dramatically from a generally-vague appreciation to unceasing gratitude, love and reverence.

What, you may ask, does all this have to do with Money?!

Well, I think of Money as I now think of Water. With thankfulness and love. Especially the Reval money.

I sometimes hold a Zim or a Vietnamese banknote in my hands and send it love and thanks and express my excitement at all we can accomplish for Gaia, Her Kingdoms and Humanity.

As well, I express to my RV money, my delight that some of my long-held dreams can come true. The Divine equation is, “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” We need to be able to both give AND receive, with balance.

I’ve put my Currencies in a folder and in that folder, I’ve placed crystals and angel cards. It is my way of Spiritualizing this wondrous money and appreciating it.

I have written that the cabal weaponized Money, but what if Money doesn’t want to be weaponized, like Water doesn’t want to be pumped through nasty pressurized pipes? What if Money wants to serve Gaia? What if the Reval is a way for Money to do what it has always wanted to do? Help.

Receiving the Reval money with unceasing love and appreciation, exchanging it, and then sending it out with love, for love and in the name of love, would be a very effective way to help anchor the Golden Age of Gaia, don’t you think?

Hence my title for this series of articles because I believe with my whole heart:




…More about Zim, Dinar, Dong etc. next time, and how we each found this RV money in the first place. THAT is a miracle in itself.


(1) “Masaru Emoto crystals photographs” at https://www.pinterest.com/egressin3041/masaru-emoto-crystals/; “Dr. Masaru Emoto on Human Consciousness and Water” at https://fractalenlightenment.com/14121/spirituality/dr-masaru-emoto-on-human-consciousness-and-water

(2) Water: The Great Mystery at https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4&v=W80mHIGg9v0
