Sep 10, 2018

Anthonys Melodies | Sep 10, 2018 | ~ Finding Love ~ | ~ Leora ~ | Blogger: 👁️💗👋

When i was trying to write this song, i was aiming for it to be romantic. Well I was stumped for a while because I didn't really have that feeling for someone yet and so i felt like that was missing within the song. Then this girl entered my life unexpectedly. I'm trying not to sound all cheesy but when I met her i was very attracted to her, but i didn't let myself get all excited about meeting her because my past was just full of disappointments, as in they weren't who i thought they were deep down. This girl has everything I've been searching for and more! Everyday im left speechless and the one thing that draws me more to her, is her passion for God.

I know lots of people have different views on love and I'm not here trying to say their wrong. Everyone believes differently and i respect that, but for me God is Love. Deep down in all of us we have this Love. Without God in a relationship the love is Lost. When I talk to her and see her, i see that Love within her and its a very powerful feeling and I'm pretty sure she feels the same way about me. So when i say Finding Love as the title, im saying that I have found God within her which is the best kind of love anyone could ever have. So i wrote this song and she was the inspiration. I believe i captured how i feel, and i just feel so lucky. 

Hope you enjoyed it as much as i loved making it! 

God Bless.

This song is dedicated to my grandmother Leora. She passed away a little over a week ago on July 11th... My emotions were everywhere though It's best for her to not be in so much pain anymore. I will always love the way she greeted me when I walked into her home. It was like I never grew older, she always saw and remembered me as the little boy running through her house saying "Forth oh Fonix Fort oh Mee" (Hooked on phonix works for me) She always said "Look at them eyes! Ohhh how I love them eyes".... She always made me feel like someone so special that I could do anything in life and succeed. She was a motivator and understood any problem any of my family had faced. I found out that she loved and listened to classical music and I always wondered where I got that from, and for her to tell me my music was "Heart and Soul Deep" and that I was the most beautiful music she's ever heard, made me want to continue at it! This song is to represent how beautiful my grandma was to me, though its sad through the beginning, at the end I felt her walking her way to the Gates of Heaven and that is what gives me joy. I know shes listening and I love her so much! I will never forget what an amazing woman you were!

Thanks for teaching me so much and loving me so much! 

Goodbye for now Leora Greninger. but I will see you again I know. 

question: Should I put this out as a single? on to Itunes, Spotify, ect.