Aug 20, 2018

Truthstream Media | Aug 20, 2018 | ~ The Technocratic Global Government of the Future Is Here ~ | Blogger: [πŸ›°️Seems to me, a very negative narrative from 'Truthstream Media'😞] ... The Space Kingdom of Asgardia is actually not real yet in SPACE. OKAY, and i don't care about the details... It's about the intent of things (not IoT). The intention to establish a 'neutral' force in SPACE, to explore like Star Trek missions, to live free or more freer, not belonging to any criminal syndicate on EARTH... I know.. It really sounds like out of the this world. Perhaps crazy plan like James Bond 007 - Moonraker. Perhaps it is, but this is the real deal. I was one of the first danish people to apply for citizenship, many signups ever since. Actually, since the opening in October 2016, 517600 people 'registered' their interest, including 771 Danes. Following the Hong Kong conference June 14, 2017, the number of Asgardian citizens has risen to more than 200,000 people globally. This elevates Asgardia to 184th place by population among countries worldwide, getting ahead of Samoa, Guernsey and Jersey, and Guam. The first nation in space, ever!! This initiative is not established by European Space Agency ESA, NASA, DARPA, SSP or any other dark foreign powers to lure us into a trap. If the Secret Space Program has their own secret space stations, moon bases and Solar Warden armada with alleged extraterrestrial beings for ill will military purchase, wouldn't be better for a peaceful human settlement in space to protect Earth? Expansion of humanity, free democratization in space nomatter skin color, race or social classification? Well, crazy or not, here we go Asgardians!... |