Aug 20, 2018 | 20. Aug 2018 | ~ Dagens rumspørgsmål: Hvor gammelt kan fremmed liv i universet være? ~ | Video in English | .. De seneste 20 års opdagelser af exoplaneter bringer os tættere et kvalitficeret gæt på det største af alle spørgsmål: Er vi alene i universet? Dansk astrofysiker forklarer, hvor gammel en fremmed livsform i givet fald kan være .. | Blogger: [🌌Space with Sarah - How old could alien civilizations be? Are we alone in the universe? How old would a extraterrestrial life, or alien lifeform be like, when looking at the prerequisites for the existence of life and incorporating our knowledge of all exoplanets?💫] ... Wooow... You might say, a danish astrophysicist, speaks up! 👍.. thinks it's GREAT, i really do... However, if i take on my 5-dimensional glasses and trying to REALLY listen to what she says, does she reveal, what we all wanna hear: '42: The answer to life, the universe and everything'???... Nooo.. (sorry to be negative) ... Right from the start she's compartmentalizing us into what the "Aerospace companies of Denmark / EU / US" has told her, to tell us. Nothing more and nothing else... 🌌☄️👨‍🚀 ... I'm going to be veeeery unpopular, but a conspiracy which started in the danish tabloid press of 2016 article, states: 'Andreas Mogensen, has never been in the interplanetary space'.. What happens just 20 seconds inside the movie of a thunderstorm that Andreas Mogensen has been videotaping for DTU (Technical University of Denmark)? Christian and a couple of youtube debaters wonder. A video of a thunderstorm from space (In the THOR experiment of the IRISS Mission Andreas Mogensen captures lightning, blue jets and sprites from the International Space Station) reveals, according to a user on the Internet that called himself, 'UNI VERSAL', writes, that he has noticed an object in the bottom left corner of the video picture (yellowish tripod or scaffolding) that does not look 'particularly heavenly'.. Andreas Mogensen refuses the claim, that the video has been taken inside a studio (of course) ... 🚩 PS: (Secret space programs is so COMPLEX, HUGE, ADVANCED and COMPART- MENTALIZED, i don't know how to begin to explain or you would never believe me, in a million years or 70 years to be exact) ... WHO BELONGS to these Above Top Secret UFO Community of Earthly factions and “Off World Groups of Beings” (ET/ED AI) advanced technologies controllers and Secret Space Fleet - Named "Solar Warden" (among many)??? ... 🏭🚀☄️ Earth’s secret space program(s) and breakaway civilization(s) -- Danish Terma A/S, RAAN, Lockheed Martin (Skunk Works), Air Force Space Command’s old (soon to be replaced) Space Fence program, USAF Secret Space Program, USAF Special Operations Command, US Navy Space Command, American Aerospace & Defense, DARPA, CIA, NRO, DIA, NASA, ESA, SSP Groups / and many other countries Military communities... 📍 According to David Wilcock and Corey Goode: The 5 factions in the Secret Space Program: 1. Solar Warden. 2. ICC/Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate 3. GGLN/Global Galactic League of Nations 4. MIC SSP/Military Industrial Complex Secret Space Program. 5. The Earth Alliance... The Sphere Being Alliance and Secret Space Program Alliance are the only groups pushing for full disclosure... 📍 There is a definite “Military Faction” to the Secret Space Programs. Most of the “Military” or “Security” Forces were Mixed Military Forces (MMF). The majority of people who served in these various security and military forces did not come from, nor were they associated with any of the military forces that are common to us here on Earth. They were mostly MILAB Program “Members” (Milarty Abduction /MILAB usually taken into programs “around” the age of 6 years old). This is when the Military Trained MILAB’s were splintered off into the various SSP’s, Secret Earth Governments or their syndicates as well as even integrated into the U.S., UK, CA and AU Specialized Military Forces.... 💭 Perhaps by now, you're beginning to realise, how much power the elites have on Earth, when they have Snoke (Kurgan Archons) Kylo Ren & General Hux, running the show from SPACE, with a space fleet armada, space marines and space weapons, that can take out every single target, on Earth... |

Af Henrik Heide 28. jul 2017 kl. 12:42

Sarah Pearson er dansk astrofysiker, som fra sine studier i USA gør sig umage med at forklare universet for alle, der kigger nysgerrigt og undrende mod nattehimlen. Hun er nærmere bestemt ph.d.-studerende i astrofysik ved Columbia University i New York, hvorfra hun fik sin kandidatgrad i astrofysik i 2015. Før dette var Sarah Pearson studerende i fysik ved Københavns Universitet, hvorfra hun fik sin bachelorgrad i 2012.

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Til dagligt forsker Sarah Pearson i mørkt stof og sammenstødende galakser. Sarah Pearson har en passion for formidling af videnskab og har derfor startet sin egen YouTube-kanal ‘Space with Sarah’, hvor hun svarer på de spørgsmål, hun oftest møder, når hun fortæller folk, at hun er astrofysiker. Hver video varer ca. 4-6 minutter og henvender sig til alle, der interesserer sig for astronomi. De fleste er nu også tekstet på dansk. I denne video er det spørgsmålet over alle spørgsmål: Er vi alene i universet? Eller rettere: Hvis ikke vi er alene, hvor gammel vil en fremmed livsform så kunne være, når man ser på forudsætningerne for eksistensen af liv og medtager vores kendskab til alle exoplaneterne?

Læs også: Dansk astrofysiker: Derfor støder galakser sammen, selvom universet udvider sig

Sarah Pearsons arbejde vidner om ægte forskerglæde og veloplagt lyst til at formidle sin viden. I denne uge bringer vi derfor en række af Sarah Pearsons videoer, der naturligvis også kan ses på hendes Youtube kanal.

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David Wilcock and Corey Goode: History of the Solar System and Secret Space Program - Notes from Consciousness Life Expo 2016

There' a group that is out there in our solar system, right now, which is colonizing space. And this group is run by people on Earth. This group has already done what seems impossible, like in movies such as Star Trek and Star Wars. Portal travel, faster than light travel, is all possible and a well-established reality, that has been kept hidden. What we’re talking about here is a secret space program (SSP) that has been kept hidden from the public. But a program that was paid for by the public. When you look at the Apollo moon missions, the Vietnam war, etc, it was all money laundering to fund these programs. Lower level secret space program is funded from money laundering operations on Earth, but the higher level programs are self-funded via their own trading platforms with other groups and ET races. [These higher level groups would be called breakaway civilizations because they are no longer dependent on society to achieve their goals.] During the crash at Roswell New Mexico in 1947 the government grabbed technology and reverse engineered it, but kept it secret so it can be exploited by this hidden group. But one person broke through the ranks and is spilling the beans, as an insider and whistleblower, that’s Corey........


TR-3B Anti-Gravity Spacecrafts (VIDEO)

Disclosure TR-3B anti-gravity spacecraft patent explained