Aug 5, 2018

SPACE | Aug 5, 2018 | ~ A Mysterious, Powerful Force Is Flinging Radio Waves at Us from Deep Space ~ | .. Our universe is teeming with invisible light. Beyond the visible spectrum, space is a colorful mess of radio signals and microwaves fired off by flaring "suns," collapsing stars, crackling magnetic fields, roiling dust clouds and seething black holes. Then, there's the light nobody understands — mysterious, ultrastrong sparks of energy zipping billions of light-years across the universe from unknown origins, for unknown reasons. Puzzling pulses like these are sometimes called fast radio bursts (FRBs), because they may last just a few milliseconds. On the morning of July 25, one such burst of mysterious energy whizzed past a new array of radio telescopes nestled in the mountains of British Columbia, Canada, registering one of the rarest radio frequencies ever detected .. | Blogger: [🌌Patrick Boyle - The pulse's fast, low frequency suggests that the blast was extremely bright and originated from an insanely powerful source somewhere in the cosmos👽] ... |

Canada's CHIME radio telescope (seen at night here) recently detected a rare, low-frequency burst of energy from deep in the universe. Astronomers are eagerly searching for an explanation. Credit: Courtesy Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME)