Aug 5, 2018 | Aug 5, 2018 | ~ Q 1816 - You have more than you know - Q ~ | Blogger: As one of the commentaries goes on to say: ".. Use and search D5. One warns of False Flags and talks about Clinton emails, one on FISA/Dossier, one warns of the fear people will have at the revelation of this info and says "Conspiracy no more", and one says this "Full Disclosure. General Statement: Once the 'extremely guarded & highly classified' information is finally revealed to House investigators, DNI, public etc., RR must recuse or forcefully terminated". So yeah, looks like D5 is gonna be the release of the 20 pages and implication of the Clintons and many others in Treason, the snowball that will start the avalanche rolling and only get bigger from here as we continue to tackle evil in not only our country, but the world, it also comes with the warning of staying vigilant of False Flags as you warned of.. " ... |