Aug 18, 2018

Kauilapele's Blog | Aug 18, 2018 | ~ Kp Message 8-17-18… “What’s going on with the current pathway” ~ | .. I’m not finding it energetically helpful to continually try to “figure out” what the h— is going on with the 3D outworkings on the surface of the planet. There are great “outworkings”, for sure, but following those details and somehow getting mentally and energetically “caught up” in ANY of it is almost intolerable for me .. | Blogger: hear, hear! ... 🆗 |

This may be a “Kp centered” message, but I have a sense that it is also in tune with what some others are going through.

This whole pathway that I’m on right now seems to be one of massive releasing. Right now the main thing is about this blog, and about a “struggle” of sorts, to let go of the idea that “I have to blog at least THIS much and publish at least THIS MANY posts per day” else I am derelicting my “duty” to humanity. This has come up lots of times in the part few weeks.

That is a very old and outdated and not at all useful paradigm that serves no one… especially my Higher Spirit.

There is absolutely no doubt that I am closing out a finishing path and am about to begin a quite amazingly new path. I’m not sure when it will be, and I’m not sure where it will be. But releasing all sorts of “old paradigm stuff” from the former Kp BEing that has been on Big Island, playing music, then doing energy missions, then doing this blogging, is absolutely primary in my NOW experience.

At this now moment, “releasing” is all I am centered on. I’ve just let go of some music items, some old luggage, some old printers, computer things, etc., that are no longer mine to carry with me. There’s still more to go, and soon my storage area will be almost empty.

The “finding things to blog about” paradigm is also in extreme change mode. Many times I look at items, articles, videos, other people are posting, and I feel like my job there is done. At least the way it has been is done. I have no idea where “the Kp blog” will go to, but I’m sure at some point it will be clear what the next steps are to be. One thing for sure in all of this:

I canNOT carry on as before. I canNOT… (and I will not)

I have always (pretty much) done what I felt “drawn” to do, blogged about what I felt “drawn” to blog about, done energy work as I felt “drawn” to do energy work, and that is that. I’m quite sure that will continue on.

Planetary-wise (at lease this planet) it feels like major risings in vibration are happening among many many beings. They are becoming BEings. AWAKE BEings. And I know that is what this planet is about right now.

I’m not finding it energetically helpful to continually try to “figure out” what the h— is going on with the 3D outworkings on the surface of the planet. There are great “outworkings”, for sure, but following those details and somehow getting mentally and energetically “caught up” in ANY of it is almost intolerable for me.

So I will continue to allow this path to unfold, and presumably others are doing the same. We’ll see where it all leads.