Aug 18, 2018

BT Nyheder \\ tv2lorry | 18. Aug 2018 | ~ Stor politiaktion i Tingbjerg: Tungt bevæbnet politi rykkede ind ~ | .. Det er fortsat lidt af et mysterium, hvad der skete i den københavnske forstad Tingbjerg fredag aften. Først på aftenen var tungt bevæbnet politi massivt til stede i bydelen.. | Blogger: [🚨Check out the pictures and video. Secret action from Danish Tactical Unit of the Danish National Police (SWAT) & Military RAID commanders at scene in Tingberg!? Military advisers, PET, Bombsquad and heavily armed police - is it EVEN necessary!?] .. WHAT THE H*** is going on in Denmark... Russian attacking Pussy Riot in peacetime... 👯 NOT funny... 🤣... signs off his newspaper columns with "off the record, on the QT and very hush-hush... 🤐 |