Aug 3, 2018

Deutsche Welle \\ USAtoday \\ RT \ Daily Sabah | Aug 3, 2018 | ~ Swedish police investigated for shooting man with Down syndrome who was reportedly carrying a toy gun ~ | .. Eric’s mother insists her son was completely harmless. “Was he threatening? He’s like a three-year-old child,” she said. “He wouldn’t hurt a fly. He was the kindest man in the world.” .. | Blogger: [👮TELL ME THIS - WHAT WILL HAPPEN WHEN THE 100.000 COPY OF 3D-PRINTED GUN BLUEPRINTS HITS SWEDEN!? 🔫] ... (IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, EU IGNITED MUSLIM CRISIS, GANGS & FAKE TERRORISM, EU HAS CREATED) ... SWEDEN, has created a US policestate - shoot first, ask later....The cradle of civilization is now destroyed, pillaged, bombed and all artifacts stolen and sold. Their entire history is being wiped off the map and we wonder why they become terrorists? Yes, the Cabal/Matrix is out to destroy us, but they too are part of the play, they too have a role to play. Without evil, one does not strive for goodness. Without imprisonment, one will not desire freedom. This is the duality we created, to understand love we must experience fear, etc. Wars are created to instill a sense of suffering so that we can long for joy and peace. If we lived in a peaceful world, we would have no reason to change or desire something better ... |

Dagens Citat

"Hr. Præsident, GLADIO systemet har opereret i fire årtier under forskellige navne. Det har opereret i hemmelighed, og vi er berettiget til at tilskrive det alt den destabilisering, alt den provokation og alt den terrorisme, som der har været i vores lande i de sidste fire årtier, og for at sige det, aktivt eller passivt, må det have været involveret. Det blev sat op af CIA og NATO, som, mens det gav sig ud for at forsvare demokratiet, i virkeligheden underminerede det, og brugte det til sine egne ondsindede formål." Græsk medlem af Europa Parlamentet ved en debat i Europa Parlamentet om "Operation Gladio", 22. November 1990
- Vassilis Ephremidis