Aug 3, 2018

Common Dreams | Aug 3, 2018 | ~ Rigged: New Report Details How Combined $5.1 Trillion in Tax Cuts by Bush, Obama, and Trump Went Mostly to Nation's Richest ~ | .."When people demand specifics on how to pay for expansions to social insurance, income supports, and public investments, seems like part of the answer is just 'we could stop doing this.'" .. "These policies have transferred trillions in wealth to those who were already rich." —Alan Essig, Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy .. | Blogger: [Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin Had No Idea 'Bond Villain' - NOT🤑] ... I andre nyheder: Endnu en dårlig uge for Danske Bank - Hvidvask- skandalen fastholder Danske Bank i mediernes kritiske søgelys, og det kan aflæses på aktiekursen. Aktien har i denne uge mistet 4,7% af sin værdi, og den er dermed ugens dårligst præsterende C25-aktie... (Økonomisk Ugebrev) |

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and his wife, Louise Linton, hold up a sheet of new $1 bills, the first currency notes bearing his and U.S. Treasurer Jovita Carranza's signatures on Nov. 15 at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington. (Photo: Jacquelyn Martin/AP)