Jul 10, 2018

Verdensalt.dk | July 10, 2018 | ~ UK Taxi-driver & Property Damage Technician has told me, that Winston Churchill’s Second World War bunker in Dollis Hill, was FALSE ~ | Blogger: [😶All very hush-hush and whoosh-whoosh🤐] ... (PS: I have no idea, what he is talking about) ... A taxi driver told verdensalt.dk, driving me to the airport, he use to work, cleaning out the water flooded 7th-floor underground storage facilities, at former Post Office Research Station in Brook Road, Dollis Hill. Codenamed the Paddock during the war, it was built deep enough to survive a direct hit from a 500lb Nazi bomb. It contains two storeys with 43 rooms, including a map room, kitchen, and Churchill’s War Cabinet room, where he held a Cabinet meeting on October 3, 1940... However, the taxi driver from Kingswood Cars, said, it was IMPOSSIBLE, since the 7th floor DUMB site, owned by PDO, near Gladstone Park and depicted map room at Winston Churchill's Second World War bunker, is a FAKE site. He is a eyewitness, since he used to work there and says, Churchill's Secret Bunker, called Paddock, is sill a secret to the public. (all the water destroyed furnitures did NOT look like anything, that would be property of UK government and Churchill' bunker, he said) ... |

The map room at Winston Churchill's Second World War bunker

READ MORE: http://www.times-series.co.uk/news/8999586.Tours_of_Winston_Churchill___s_Second_World_War_bunker/