Jul 10, 2018

The Event Chronicle | July 10, 2018 | ~ The Pentyrch UFO Incident with witnesses Caz and Gari ~ | Blogger: [🛸They did appear at A&A in London 2018, while UK military helo's circling above our heads🛦] ... Multiple witnesses of a huge UFO and other lights. Military planes and helicopters, a chase, explosions, physical effects such as shaken buildings, damaged trees and wreckage on the ground. An apache helicopter landing with its cockpit on fire. Weird snow and mystery men in white coveralls. Could be a scenario worthy of an episode of the X-Files? Certainly, but this really happened on a cold winter night in South Wales in February 2016. A lot of military aircraft activity in the area around Llantrisant woke people up, and some claim to have seen unidentified lights which don't seem to conform to the normal idea of military aircraft. It has been reported that these lights were chased and fired at by the military aircraft. Explosions were heard, and buildings shaken. The official line is that it was part of an Armed Forces exercise - but it was not... |

READ MORE: http://www.theeventchronicle.com/galactic/the-pentyrch-ufo-incident-with-witnesses-caz-and-gari-2/