Jul 1, 2018

Daily Mail Online | July 1, 2018 | ~ Ex-NASA physics professor claims 'many governments' have covered up alien encounters and says humanity must 'face the possibility' UFO sightings really ARE alien craft ~ | .. Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Ecuador, France, New Zealand, Russia, Sweden and the United Kingdom have been declassifying their UFO files since 2008 .. | Blogger: [🤫First Blood: Give That Man a CIGAR! Bullseye!!! - NOT REALLY!! These countries has declassified NOTHING, of interest!!!🤐] ... Perhaps, your properly much aware of by now, that the dailymail's depicted Black triangle is in fact, the secretive TR-3B (reverse-engineered alien tech), allegedly developed by the US Air Force, as a part of a black operation during the time of Gulf War in 1990 or High Energy Weapon in Syrian Conflict, later on (TR-3B has been spotted MANY placed, near the Nevada & California military complexes, and also, around the world) ... (VIDEO) - The Department of Defense has released video of a UFO spotted by a Navy pilot near San Diego in 2004. It was released to bring out FEAR! (alien invasion is close, kinda fear-mongering)... There's numerous sidetracks into the murky world of government security agencies, and one thing is for sure, The Secret Space Programs in SPACE, will NEVER EVER be revealed into the public domain, unless The Archon Agenda, is taken down first. Or, Trump or somebody higher, has the guts to pull the plug, the R-E-A-L U-F-O 'Secrets', will remain a secret ... |

A 1990 picture of a 'UFO' taken in Wallonia, Belgium. A physics professor from University at Albany, State University of New York and former NASA researcher believes there is 'plenty of evidence to support UFOs'
  • A physics professor from University at Albany, State University of New York and former NASA researcher believes there is 'plenty of evidence to support UFOs' 
  • He believes skepticism around UFOs prevents serious scientific research 
  • Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Ecuador, France, New Zealand, Russia, Sweden and the United Kingdom have been declassifying their UFO files since 2008
READ MORE: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-5902189/Physics-professor-claims-need-face-possibility-UFO-sightings-really-alien-craft.html

TR-3B Using High Energy Weapon in Syrian Conflict (it's fake you say?? TR-3B is REAL, Gulf-or Syrian War or NOT)