Jun 21, 2018

PAO/Sheldan Nidle | June 21, 2018 | ~ Dear PAO Followers ... (Wanted: More Live Webinar Attendees) ~ |

Dear PAO followers:

Last month, I wrote about how Colleen has been working full tilt to be Sheldan's prime caregiver while simultaneously keeping the PAO mission afloat. Wearing so many hats is wearing Colleen down.

Because of the medical system in California, Sheldan and Colleen are caught up in a bureaucratic nightmare. Last October, Sheldan sustained serious physical disability: he needs consistent, long-term treatment. Unfortunately, the way the medical system is structured, Sheldan is allowed only one month of Medical-funded follow-up rehab appointments after that, they are terminated. This means that Colleen must pay for all subsequent treatments on her own. Owing to the nature of Sheldan's condition, his recovery will take time. There is no instant fix. Colleen is not a trained healer and cannot legitimately offer Sheldan professional help. For him to get the treatment he needs, she must hire therapists skilled in physical and occupational therapy.

As I mentioned in my last letter, Colleen single-handedly maintains a daunting schedule of assisting Sheldan with Updates, producing Webinars, fulfilling download orders and responding to e-mails, on top of caring for Sheldan. She has barely a minute to herself. It is only through the help of a handful of kind friends that she can free herself to run errands and do necessary household tasks. For her, there are just not enough hours in the day.

Sheldan and Colleen's only source of income comes from PAO donations, Webinar archive downloads and Live Webinar fees.

Before Sheldan fell ill, our monthly PAO live Webinars averaged between 400 and 500 attendees. Lately, we are lucky if we have more than 200.

While Sheldan convalesces, please do your best to help Colleen carry on spiritually and financially. We need many more of you to attend the live Galactic Activation Webinars, which are of immense importance to us all.

Our collective energies will be the tipping point for creating global abundance and disclosure, and our path to achieving full consciousness.

Please help the PAO to survive and thrive.

Peace and blessings,

Webmaster, PAO