May 21, 2018 | May 21, 2018 | ~ Weird Space Rock Provides More Evidence for Mysterious 'Planet Nine' ~ | .. The solar system just got a bit stranger. As astronomers continue their ongoing quest to find the elusive Planet Nine, a team found a space rock that lends credence to the idea that a huge super-Earth planet really exists in the outer reaches of our solar system .. | Blogger: [Soft disclosure from NASA?🌌] ... According to (most extensive Pleiadian Library on Earth?) - If Planet Nine really exists, astronomers have a pretty decent chance of spotting it. On Wednesday (Jan. 20 2016), scientists announced that a planet about 10 times more massive than Earth likely lurks in the distant outer solar system, orbiting perhaps 600 times farther from the sun than Earth does on average. The evidence for the existence of this "Planet Nine" (ex-Planet X) is indirect at the moment; computer models suggest a big, undiscovered world has shaped the strange orbits of multiple objects in the Kuiper Belt, the ring of icy bodies beyond Neptune. But direct evidence could come relatively soon, in the form of a telescope observation, Planet Nine's proposers say. "It's actually not obscenely faint," said Mike Brown of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena. Brown and lead author Konstantin Batygin, also of Caltech, wrote the new paper laying out the evidence for the putative planet's existence. "In fact, it's bright enough over a lot of its orbit that we should have seen it already, if it's in the closest approaches to the sun," Brown told Indeed, at closest approach, "you could almost see it with some backyard telescopes," he added.... (...) ... |

A possible ninth planet in the solar system, known as Planet 9, is illustrated orbiting far beyond Neptune's orbit (shown as a ring around the sun).Credit: Tom Ruen.nagualdesign/ESO