May 21, 2018 | 21. Maj 2018 | ~ Støjberg: Nu er det ramadan, og jeg vil gerne slå tre ting fast ~ | (In English:) .. Danish Minister (#Stoejberggate) on Ramadan: Whether a religious requirement to practice a 1,400-year-old fourth pillar of Islam can be combined with the social form and labor market we have in Denmark today in 2018, is the question. I do not want to deprive Danish Muslims of the opportunity to cultivate their religion and religious holidays, but I would encourage them to take a vacation, during the month of the Ramadan .. Much has undeniably happened since the Prophet Muhammad was given his revelation, which has led to the Muslims important Ramadan, and is far more extensive than just the fast .. | Blogger: Har Støjberg lyttet til Den Korte Weekendavis med 'Kisser'? Arbi er træt pga. Ramadan, og Rasmus er meget nysgerrig på, hvad der er tilladt ... PS: SKAL TAXA-CHAUFFØRER HAVE LOV AT ARBEJDE NÅR DE FASTER I RAMADANEN, spørger og min egen mor, raser, fordi vi har folk som efterlever ramadanens vilkår, men åbenbart ikke må arbejde i Danmark ... |