May 29, 2018 | 29. Maj 2018 | ~ Slut med NemID-kort: Nu kan du bruge din telefon ~ | (In english:) - The NemID paper card, will be replaced with an app that can be downloaded to Android and Apple smartphones .. | Blogger: [🤖The robots are not just coming, they are already here. NemID (Nets DanID A/S) - a self-service solution - is strictly personal like for example a passport. NemID, common log-in solution for Danish Internet banks, government websites and some other private companies. NETS DIRECTOR, BO NILSSON, TO BE PAID DKK 700 MILLION ON HIS SHARE PROGRAM💱] ... Blockchain Is the New Gold ... The Banking Robots Are Coming: Good or bad for you? Nordea fires thousands - The robot "Nora" becomes your new banking adviser. In the Danish Nordjyske Bank, a number of employees have been fired, because their positions has been automated ... The Cashless Society List - DENMARK – In the 1990s about 80% of Danish retail purchases were made with cash, but these days it’s more like 25%. But if the Danish government has its way, that number will be 0% by 2030. That’s the year the Danish government has set for the complete elimination of paper money in Denmark... |



Financial Survival In The Cashless Robotic QE Economy