Apr 3, 2018

The GoldFish Report | No. 212 | Apr 3, 2018 | ~ WEEK 63 POTUS REPORT W/ THE FETZ: CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS ~ | Blogger: The GoldFish Report has been censored on YouTube /Google and loss of 12.000 subscribers ... |

Louisa summarizes highlights from the latest Q Anon posts connecting the dots on how Facebook, Google, Amazon and similar companies appear to have been created to subvert the Fourth Amendment through a Government/Private partnership through surveillance of the people on the social media and internet websites and apps etc. Amendment IV is very clear about its intent:
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

According to Q Anon, By data mining and selling the behavior and habit patterns of users to not only the U.S. government but to foreign governments, the U.S. Government need not obtain warrants to obtain surveillance data since the private companies collect it and in a partnership with Government agencies, subvert the Fourth Amendment of Americans, also an opinion shared by Edward Snowden. No warrant? No problem, just call Facebook or Google for your intel on a person. Q was right to call this a CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS.

Next, in typical Fetz fashion, Jim lays out the methods of this Constitutional subversion through, you guessed it, False Flags meant to drive public opinion to repeal the Second Amendment and by legislating the First Amendment into oblivion through massive extreme censorship. A Constitutional Crisis indeed folks. Jim reports on permit applications that were made months in advance of this March for our Lives event that was supposed to be in response to a " Random Act of Violence with a Gun". What a massive crystal ball the organizers much have. Jim continues with analysis on foreign policy including Russia, the UK, Syria, Iran, Israel, and more updates on false flags, censorship, and much more.