Mar 3, 2018

PFC \\ Allison Coe | Make This Viral ~ Before, During and After the Event ~ A Must Watch for The Awakened Lightworkers | Blogger: [ cannot but correlate these Hypnotic Regression Session Client Transcripts with COBRA's own messages (The EVENT) or the many of the channeling messages from our Ascended Masters etc.. ] ... #Wauuu! WAaaau!!! Wauuuu!!!! 😊... Allison Coe is promoting stuff that 99.9 percent of her own family don't believe in - but she's still a down to earth kinda girl/person - like you and me. At the same time, she's funny, lively and charismatic ... My own mood barometer rose significantly, after this video 🌑️🌑️🌑️+++... ".. Andy Dufresne: [in letter to Red] Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies .. " ... PS: Do you remember the now deceased, but amazing and well known Dolores Cannon? She also used Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) ... |

Allison Coe

I love this girl. I really really love this girl. I do not need to ask readers to use discretion when listening because Alison herself does that job very well! 6 or 7 of her clients have had very clear experiences of The Event which she shares here: I have NO reservations about posting this video. If there is one little thing in the entire hour of info that I might not agree with it was a client that suggested not grounding – connecting to the Earth – to 3D now. I disagree with just this line as the Earth – is already in Nova Gaia – New Atlantis energy which is 5-6D. Being grounded is very good.

OH, my goodness you cannot tell me that you do not love this girl. I know what’s it like doing regression / hypnosis work and taking notes during several hours sessions. I did this for over ten years. Alison so lovingly freely shares this amazing info with us from her clients. Like she says you don’t have to believe everything you hear ~ she doesn’t ~ but by golly does this make a lot of sense. Maybe even some enemies of Cobra will wake up after hearing this and realising he might not be manipulating, misleading others etc. like some of them say.

I cried at least 10-15 minutes listening to this! Why because I KNOW IT’S THE TRUTH about what lies ahead. I’ve written as many of you know about the Emotional Day that The Event will be, on the very first page of Veritas Galactic Sweden and here we have so many repeating what it will be like when The Wave of LOVE hits us. This video cannot be missed by anyone who would like to understand what The Event is REALLY ABOUT.

Make it Viral!!

PS: Do not let THOSE who are attempting to censure everything of truth to prevent this in spreading – do whatever you can to spread it.

Therese Zumi