Oct 17, 2017

GAOG | Oct 17, 2017 | Writing Love Everywhere. . . | .. St. Germaine has asked us to write Love on many things, from bodies of water to jugs of water, across the sky and inside our homes. We can write Love across the hurricane heading to Ireland and Scotland, on the 22 million refugees, the flooding in Asia, the war in Yemen, the opioid crisis, the desperation in Venezuela, the disarray in Africa, the Los Vegas shooting, Harvey Weinstein, a neighbour down the street, our families, our self. L o v e | Blogger: At first glance, a few days ago - NO WAY! But, I totally agree - if you've got unresolved frustration or anger with someone, you should NEVER let it be part of the daily drama and illusionary thinking - it maybe OTHERS bad energy, it might be your own unsolved core issues, unresolved traumatic experiences etc. When that is said, we could point fingers at the satanic old unworthy 'system', who lets people like Harvey Weinstein, run around for decades and misusing others. People has lots of dark sides, done bad deeds and secrets, many take their secrets into their grave. The ones who is exposed in our 3D Matrix of illusion, should be punished, but we need to fight against the corrupted system... |