Nov 4, 2017

Verdensalt | Arkivskabet | 30. Januar 2017 | Former DEA “Chief Propagandist” Says Agency Knows Cannabis Is Safe, Keeps It Illegal for Profit | 💭4/11/17: Politiken: Kritikere: Forsøg med cannabis er kun for rige (»Der ydes ikke tilskud efter sundhedslovens regler til cannabisslutprodukter omfattet af denne lov«, står der) | 💭3/11/17: 180grader: Mange har stødt på især CBD, som er en forkortelse af Cannabidiol. Blot én af mange cannabinoider i planten. Netop denne udvindes ofte af industrihamp, der indeholder under 0,2% THC. Dette gør den lovlig jf. EU-lovgivingen. CBD er bl.a. lovligt i Tyskland, hvor Webshops kan sælge CBD-produkter, da det i Tyskland betegnes som et kosttilskud. I Danmark har Lægemiddelstyrelsen dog betegnet det som medicin, og tager afstand fra brugen af det. Derfor er forsøgsordningen også påtvunget gennem et politisk flertal, og ikke Lægemiddelstyrelsen | Blogger: 💬 Hentet inspiration fra -- Her er min forestilling om hvad der kommer til at ske når KK vil sælge danskdyrket hash og total legalisering af hash i Danmark.. Noget som vil virke som en stopklods for den forsøgsordning med medicinsk cannabis, som et flertal i Folketinget har vedtaget.. Københavns Kommune har i en menneskealder proklameret og bebudet om et frit hashmarked.. Når og ikke hvis, centraladministrationen selv tillader landmændene at dyrke hashmarker, så vil det være den største malkeko siden Spies og Glistrup snød i skat. Men, det mange ikke har taget med i ligningen er, at det kæmpemæssige medicinalindustrielle kompleks, ikke tillader nogen former for legalisering af hash, uden selv at være en medspiller, på sidelinjen.. Det hele handler om, perfect timing og profitmaksimering.. Politikerne har allerede erkendt, at den strategi, de har fulgt de sidste 20-30 år med nultolerance i forhold til hash, ikke virker.. Hvad skal der ske for, at den såkaldte Københavnermodel, der i en treårig forsøgsperiode skal gøre det muligt at sælge danskproduceret hash til alle over 18 år:.. 1. USA, gør det, Holland gør det, Portugal, Uruguay, Marokko og Afghanistan gør det, og flere lande på vej, noget som Danmark ikke længere kan ignorere.. 2. Danske bønder ser lovlig hashdyrkning som muligt erhvervseventyr, men naturligvis, statskontrolleret.. 3. De medicinal-regeringsvenlige politikere omdanner den 'rene' hash/hamp/cannabis til en slags kontrolleret syntetisk cannabis-præparat (tror du selv på, KK vil tillade Kurt på 18, stå og ryge rendyrket øko hash i Skolegården?).. 4. Alle medsvorne parter skal kunne profitere på denne ordning.. 5. Politikerne får opbakning af medvind fra befolkningen, at de gør en forskel og redder menneskeliv.. 6. Regeringen vil ikke gå glip af, at kunne fortælle os alle, at kriminelle bander ikke længere kan lukrere på hash som er illegalt (selvfølgelig gør de det).. 7. KK opstiller regler på udsalgsstederne om adgang til information om produkter, skadevirkninger og kommunens behandlingstilbud(det skal ikke hedde sig, at hash er sundt).. 8. Københavns Politi og centraladministrationen skal kunne lukke alt ned, efter behag.. Som også information skriver, 'et bud på den årlige illegale omsætning af hash i hovedstadsområdet er omkring én milliard kroner'. Det er et kæmpe, kæmpe vækstmarked og naturligvis kan samtlige politikere drage udnytte af den erfaring de har fra udlandet, men Dan Turèll vil vende sig 10 gange i graven, hvis vi får en komplet legalisering af fri hash i Danmark.. Men man kan jo kun blive positiv overrasket... |

By Justin Gardner   

A former “chief propagandist” for the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), now turned cannabis advocate, made startling comments at the recent Marijuana for Medical Professionals Conference in Denver, Colorado. There, Belita Nelson described what many of us suspected – the DEA is corrupt to the bone and full of lies.

Marijuana is safe, we know it is safe. It’s our cash cow and we will never give up,” Nelson said to the audience of doctors and nurses, describing the actual modus operandi of the DEA.
Illegally Healed reports:
Nelson represented the DEA in the international media from 1998 to 2004. She did regular appearances on the talk show circuit, including the Oprah Winfrey show and Nightline, espousing the dangers of cannabis. Today she advocates for its medical use, specifically in the treatment of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) in professional football players through an organization she founded: The Gridiron Cannabis Foundation.
It didn’t take long for Nelson to realize that cannabis has medical benefits. In 2000, she was watching her close friend suffer from late-stage cancer, losing more than 50% of his weight and no longer being able to eat or sleep.

Being aware of cannabis’ ability to treat these symptoms, Nelson procured some for her friend, who, along with a better diet, was able to live nine more years. Nelson even grew the cannabis herself, knowing that black market products were potentially unsafe.

In 2004, Nelson was investigating a heroin epidemic in Plano, Texas and discovered that some addicts were kicking their opioid addictions by turning to cannabis. At this point she could no longer continue pushing propaganda for the DEA when it was clear to her cannabis was a life-saving plant.
Nelson resigned in 2004, and went out with a bang.
“[When they hired me] they forgot to get me to sign a confidentiality agreement—and boy did I know the dirt. They called me in and said ‘name your price, $10,000 a month? $20,000? What do you want Belita?’”
She said she left the office screaming, “You know this is safe and you are keeping it from people who are sick! I am not taking your money and you better worry about what I am going to say!”

Sure enough, Nelson turned her passion into something positive. She moved to Colorado and began advocating for medical cannabis. In 2014, she focused her energy on using cannabis to help treat CTE, setting up a holistic clinic with former Denver Broncos player Rick Upchurch.
CTE, a degenerative brain disease caused by repeated head trauma, kills many former football players. The Gridiron Cannabis Foundation hopes to convince the NFL to allow players to use medical cannabis to counter the onset of CTE.

Regarding her time at the DEA, Nelson has a succinct way to describe the agency.

If you think the DEA are the good guys, they are not. They are really not. We are talking corruption on steroids.
The DEA refused to reschedule cannabis from a Schedule 1 drug last year when it had the opportunity, somehow concluding that ‘more research is needed’ to show cannabis has medical benefits. The only explanation for maintaining the absurd classification for this miraculous healing plant is to protect Big Pharma, which knows cannabis is a threat to their profits.

As we reported recently, DEA continues to tell 25 lies on its website about the purported dangers of cannabis, even though they refuted these very lies in 2016. This willful deception is in violation a federal law called the Information Quality Act.

The DEA is the biggest obstacle standing in the way of freedom and health. It is abundantly clear that corruption and lies – not the interest of the American people – is what drives this agency to continue
its tyranny.

Justin Gardner writes for, where this article first appeared.