Nov 26, 2017

DailyMail | Nov 24, 2017 | World's first robot 'citizen' Sophia says she would like to start a FAMILY and claims all droids deserve to have children |

Sophia First Robot Citizen In The Globalist Timeline/Script: Robot Armies & The NWO Beast System 



Interview With The Lifelike Hot Robot Named Sophia (Full) | CNBC


World's first robot 'citizen' Sophia says she would like to start a FAMILY and claims all droids deserve to have children

  • Sophia is a lifelike robot designed by Hong Kong firm, Hanson Robotics
  • During an interview this week, she said that family is 'a really important thing'
  • She even went so far as to say that she would name her first daughter Sophia
  • The interview comes a month after the robot was controversially granted citizenship in Saudi Arabia


Not everyone is happy with the Sophia's citizenship, with some describing her as 'bizarre' and others referring to it as 'Terminator in real time.'
Others have pointed out that Sophia has 'more rights than women in Saudi Arabia'.
Saudia Arabia is one of the world's most oppressive states for women, and only last month lifted a ban on female drivers.
After hearing her appearance, the Arabic hashtag Sophia_calls_for_dropping_guardianship began trending.

The Saudi guardianship system means every woman must have a male companion with her in public at all times.

This is usually a family member, who also has authority to act on her behalf.
'Sophia has no guardian, doesn't wear an abaya or cover up - how come?' one Twitter user wrote.