Oct 13, 2017

Collective Evolution - Free Movie | Oct 13, 2017 | CAN ONE MOVIE MAKE A DIFFERENCE? Prosperity, a new film that CE's founder Joe Martino is in, just hit theatres and online screenings! | .. Our Planet and our species is at a tipping point. We can’t continue “business as usual” and just cross our fingers that we won’t destroy the planet. One man is on a mission to change how we look at money, profits and the future of everything .. |

Prosperity, a new film that CE's founder Joe Martino is in, just hit theatres and online screenings! The film asks the big question: what will it take to truly start changing our world and the way we live? You can watch it free here before the screening period ends.

Do This For You… 

Do This For Us.


There’s one very important thing I want you to know about Prosperity…

It’s not just a movie. It’s a movement.

The businesses we showcased in the film are only a handful of the thousands of new and existing companies who are actively trying to make changes in the world around us.

There’s so much more to the story, and we need YOU to help write the rest!

The challenge we face is simple. We can’t predict the future, but we can help make choices that turn us in the right direction.

We could feature something cool a company is doing today and, tomorrow they can go off the rails and do something bad.

Our goal is not to endorse specific companies, but rather reward ANY company making an effort and showing good behavior. Let’s come together and encourage them to continue doing good things… and reward them for that...... [READ MORE]