Sep 30, 2017

FinanceAndLiberty | Sep 28, 2017 | MOST IMPORTANT EVENT IN 40 YEARS | Jim Willie | .. We’re witnessing the “sunset of the Dollar.” The petrodollar system is breaking down. China announcing the imminent rollout of gold-backed futures contracts denominated in Yuan. Willie says the announcement was one of the most important financial event in the last forty years .. | Blogger: Offer your higher self a cookie and some tea, make small talk about the financial changes, just get a feel for each other. Got myself a message, as so many times before, that October 2017 will be the 'breaking bad' for US Petrodollar and world financial system. Will it be the long awaiting RV/GCR - thats a NO! Apparently RV/GCR and NESARA/GESARA, will take some longer time. According to my Higher Self, assisted by a natural/holistic/shamanic doctor... |


Jim Willie - CB is a statistical analyst in marketing research and retail forecasting. He holds a PhD in Statistics. His career has stretched over 25 years. He aspires to thrive in the financial editor world, unencumbered by the limitations of economic credentials. 
The man behind the name Jim Willie has experience in three important fields of statistical practice in the 23 years following completion of a PhD in Statistics at Carnegie Mellon University. In August of 2003 Willie has focused exclusively on the US and world economies, financial markets, currencies, and the commodity fields. Gold and energy have been a prime focus.

We’re witnessing the “sunset of the Dollar.” The petrodollar system is breaking down. China announcing the imminent rollout of gold-backed futures contracts denominated in Yuan. Willie says the announcement was one of the most important financial event in the last forty years.

Also, OPEC is deteriorating. Willie explains what he thinks will replace OPEC.