Jul 6, 2017

The Dollar Vigilante | July 4, 2017 | State Medical Care Coming to the USA, People Flee to Mexico: Jeff Berwick on Double Down | ~ Hosts Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert are joined by Jeff Berwick of Anarchapulco to discuss the economic freedoms in Mexico ~ |

As Donald Trump vows to build a wall with Mexico, Double Down asks whether or not that wall will be used to keep Americans from leaving for it is in Mexico where entrepreneurial things are happening these days and more ordinary freedoms are available. Already 6,000 "dental refugees" head across the border from America to Mexico every day in order to get the dental care they are unable to receive in their home country due to exorbitant prices, so what future in a closed off USA?
Double Down talks to Jeff Berwick, festival organizer of Anarchapulco and publisher of DollarVigilante.com, about the everyday freedoms available in Mexico.