Jul 6, 2017

Newsletter from Matt Kahn | July 6, 2017 | PLEASE READ: Very Important Announcement | Blogger: So sad, a final farewell for True Divine Nature? As i read it, Matt Kahn will leave for Julie Dittmar's healing journey, leading a few more events, not mentioning in what form or even if they will be back into the public sphere again... |


Matt Kahn er en spirituel lærer, mystiker, og intuitiv healer. Hans spontane vækkelse opstod ud af en ud-af-kroppen-oplevelse i en alder af 8, og hans direkte erfaringer med opstegne mestre og ærkeengle hele sit liv. Matt fungerer som en bro mellem den mystiske riger og rejsen af opvågnen. Mange åndeligt søgende har oplevet forbløffende, uforklarlige fysiske og følelsesmæssige helbredelser, og har vakt til deres sande natur gennem Matts dybe og kærlige lærdomme og transmission af hellige hjerte visdom. Matt og Julie tilbyde deres klare intuitive vejledning og kærlige tilstedeværelse, at fjerne alle opfattelser af forhindringer i dit liv og for energisk, at støtte dig gennem alle aspekter af den åndelige rejse og oplevelse af opvågnen. 

Elsker at lytte til både Teal Swan og Matt Kahn, det virker som om, de indeholder et helt liv af erfaringer, en rummelighed og begavelse indenfor den spirituelle verden som jeg ikke har set før. De går nødvendigvis ikke med strømmen, meget selvstændigt, egen opfattelse af tingenes tilstand og giver forklaringer som er præcise, nøgtern og virkelig rammende for vores livsaspekt og giver et meget større perspektiv end så mange andre. Både den spirituelle verden også blandt (almen) psykologi. Tillige har Matt Kahn en virkelig god lun humor og logisk tilgang.

Hello Beloved Community, 

For the past 13 years, Julie and I have devoted our hearts, time, and energy to serving humanity as both friends and business partners. I’m truly grateful for every gift Julie has brought into my life and how we have served our community with the utmost dedication.

For the past several months, I have been observing my life and truly feeling into what I desire. I've noticed that 13 years of events, providing nearly 13,000 healing sessions, and regularly traveling across country had begun to take its toll on my body. Equally so, Julie has been healing a debilitating illness behind the scenes for more than 3 and 1/2 years while working to maintain all our day-to-day operations. Such a schedule has not allowed her the time and space to truly heal or make time for her creative talents that I love watching her express. Julie has an incredible healing team helping her, but requires much rest and spaciousness right now.

In addition to needing time to recharge my body, when feeling into my soul’s deepest truth, I truly desire change. I have loved the dance between me and Julie, and I will always look back on our time with appreciation and joy. In feeling that our journey has come full circle, my soul desires change to fully bring all of myself forward as never before. I love serving each and every one of you and that will continue with even greater enthusiasm and excitement in the name of love. In order to do so, I must lighten my event schedule, so I may rest and return later in the fall healthier and more powerful than ever before. I will still be honoring the sessions currently on the schedule, and be posting videos on YouTube, and provide teachings on Facebook throughout my sabbatical.

In order to follow my heart into the next chapter of my teachings and transmissions, and also to give Julie the space to heal and rediscover her deepest creative talents and aspirations, we have decided to end our working relationship. Julie and I will be teaching together for just two more events on our calendar this month (Portland and Berkeley) as a farewell for True Divine Nature.

I will be leading the 5-day October Soul Convergence "Becoming the Beloved" by myself, as Julie takes the extended time she needs to heal and deepen her awakenings. And, of course, we will finish up Angel Academy 8 together. We invite you to join us in allowing this ending to be a celebration of a brand new beginning. Sometimes change comes into your reality unexpectedly and other times, you are the one seeking change. This is something Julie and I have been privately discussing for a while and now a decision has been made. In the depths of my soul, I truly know that Julie and I will both become even greater expressions of Source as a result. I know it will allow me to serve you more immaculately than ever before, just as it will serve Julie in completing her healing journey.

May you join us at our events this month to celebrate the completion of a journey that has allowed Julie and I to step into our individual and collective potentials, as we move toward greater horizons of reality in service of our awakening humanity.

No matter how daunting change can be, we always owe it to ourselves to serve the highest Truth by allowing the wisdom of the Universe to guide us home. You may not know exactly where things are headed, but you always know the moment change is needed. Please join us in celebrating both of our transformations as the winds of change move us in exciting new directions.

No matter how the storyline of life twists and turns, we are always together as one eternal Truth.

Many blessings of love,



Hello Beloved Community,
For the past 13 years, Julie and I have devoted our hearts, time, and energy to serving humanity as both friends and business partners. I’m truly grateful for every gift Julie has brought into my life and how we have served our community with the utmost dedication.
For the past several months, I have been observing my life and truly feeling into what I desire. I've noticed that 13 years of events, providing nearly 13,000 healing sessions, and regularly traveling across country had begun to take its toll on my body. Equally so, Julie has been healing a debilitating illness behind the scenes for more than 3 and 1/2 years while working to maintain all our day-to-day operations. Such a schedule has not allowed her the time and space to truly heal or make time for her creative talents that I love watching her express. Julie has an incredible healing team helping her, but requires much rest and spaciousness right now.
In addition to needing time to recharge my body, when feeling into my soul’s deepest truth, I truly desire change. I have loved the dance between me and Julie, and I will always look back on our time with appreciation and joy. In feeling that our journey has come full circle, my soul desires change to fully bring all of myself forward as never before. I love serving each and every one of you and that will continue with even greater enthusiasm and excitement in the name of love. In order to do so, I must lighten my event schedule, so I may rest and return later in the fall healthier and more powerful than ever before. I will still be honoring the sessions currently on the schedule, and be posting videos on YouTube, and provide teachings on Facebook throughout my sabbatical.
In order to follow my heart into the next chapter of my teachings and transmissions, and also to give Julie the space to heal and rediscover her deepest creative talents and aspirations, we have decided to end our working relationship. Julie and I will be teaching together for just two more events on our calendar this month (Portland and Berkeley) as a farewell for True Divine Nature.


I will be leading the 5-day October Soul Convergence "Becoming the Beloved" by myself, as Julie takes the extended time she needs to heal and deepen her awakenings. And, of course, we will finish up Angel Academy 8 together. We invite you to join us in allowing this ending to be a celebration of a brand new beginning. Sometimes change comes into your reality unexpectedly and other times, you are the one seeking change. This is something Julie and I have been privately discussing for a while and now a decision has been made. In the depths of my soul, I truly know that Julie and I will both become even greater expressions of Source as a result. I know it will allow me to serve you more immaculately than ever before, just as it will serve Julie in completing her healing journey.
May you join us at our events this month to celebrate the completion of a journey that has allowed Julie and I to step into our individual and collective potentials, as we move toward greater horizons of reality in service of our awakening humanity.
No matter how daunting change can be, we always owe it to ourselves to serve the highest Truth by allowing the wisdom of the Universe to guide us home. You may not know exactly where things are headed, but you always know the moment change is needed. Please join us in celebrating both of our transformations as the winds of change move us in exciting new directions.
No matter how the storyline of life twists and turns, we are always together as one eternal Truth.
Many blessings of love,



The Gift of Freedom

By Julie Dittmar
It's funny the things in life that free us. What can look like something hurting and taking from us, can really just be the saw that cuts through our shackles that have bound us in comfort and confined us to that small place that gets afraid of pursuing our soul's highest calling and dreams.
What if we ask: What if this isn't here to hurt me, but to help me?


Everything is a gift. Everything is medicine. Everything can wake us up out of the dreamy, sleepy places and further our soul's evolution.
No matter how much dark or light this moment seems to be cloaked in, it is all made up of stardust. It is all the light of consciousness.
Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu. May all beings everywhere be peaceful, happy, and free.
With love & gratitude always,



Please join us at our upcoming July events as we celebrate brand-new beginnings for both of us through the transmission of exciting heart-centered teachings:

Sat. July 8, 6:30-8:30pm Pacific
Unity of Portland 4525 SE Stark Street Portland, OR 97215

Thurs. July 20, 7:00-9:00pm Pacific
Hosted by our friends at the Open Circle Center:
Northbrae Community Church
941 The Alameda
Berkeley, CA 94707

P.S. Please join Matt as he returns from his sabbatical with even more powerful transmissions of healing energy and exciting new teachings at the “Becoming the Beloved” 5-day Soul Convergence event. If you think Matt’s latest offerings have been amazing, you won’t want to miss a moment of this life-changing event. This Soul Convergence is already well on its way to selling out soon, so please reserve your seats here:



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