Jun 20, 2017

NN | June 18, 2017 | EXCLUSIVE: Moms Across America releases powerful new documentary exposing toxicity of GMOs and glyphosate | Blogger: Oh woooow! Every single Moms and Dads should really watch this movie documentary called 'Communities Rising' (sorry, no subtitles). Also Danish moms and their afflicted children, who suffers from allergies, hay fever, asthma, ADHD, autism and cancer etc. Moms should yell out and make sure we STOP chemtrails, GMO food, chemical companies like Novozymes and Monsanto, vaccines for children (børnevaccinationsprogrammet), fake food, fake food suppliers and manufacturers. Think about the chemical processed food, cola drinks on methotrexate, fast food, artificial sweeteners, artificial sugar and salt, food coloring and other neurotoxic chemicals.. Think about what, parabens, microplastic, mineral oil, paraffin, propylene glycerol, phthalates, artificial enzymes does to our children.. Not only applicable to americans! This is a world wide wakeup call.. Buy organic GMO-free food!!... |

(Natural News) Moms Across America has just released a powerful new video called “Communities Rising” that exposes the devastating toxicity of GMOs and glyphosate. Watch the video now at this YouTube link, or watch it below....... [READ MORE]