Apr 13, 2017

BREAKING | BoingBoing | Apr 13, 2017 | U.S. drops 'mother of all bombs' on Afghanistan, largest non-nuclear bomb in arsenal | Blogger: OMG! Are you kidding me!.. Trump implementing "bomb the s*it out of them"... Excuse me! You do not drop the 'Mother of All Bombs' ever made which follows killing of Green Beret, No Sir! We don't understand the 'real' reasons just yet.. Wishful thinking is that Trump has finally got rid of Obama/Clinton/Bush opium fields in Afghanistan and sending The Khazarian Mafia (KM) a strong signal to surrender.. Could also be the old trick, enslavement to satanism, meaning that Cabal's sex machine is working. They must have something on Trump, not because Ivanka told Trump to attack Syria.. We know that Trump has turn against humanity last few weeks and something isn't right. Do not trust MSM media. But, it seems that the military–industrial complex (MIC) with Trump’s strike in Syria and now Afghanistan, puts America at the precipice of another Middle East war. N. Korea also on the map to come. We're already have the cyber financial wars against China and Russia. Who's next?.. |


CNN is reporting that President Trump is now implementing the “bomb the shit out of them” portion of his campaign promises.

The U.S. bombed Afghanistan Thursday. The so-called ‘mother of all bombs," a 21,600-pound munition, was dropped on an area identified as an ISIS base. The U.S. military is currently assessing damage, and no information has been provided on casualties.

Is Trump sending a message to North Korea? Couldn't the sending of messages be more conservatively accomplished with a witty tweet?
