Apr 13, 2017

Benjamin Fulford Blog | Special Report | Apr 12, 2017 | ※Weekly geo-political news and analysis | Post #1: Warning from Japanese military police of possible April 13th mass terror attack on Tokyo | Post #2: Veteran’s today was blocked by US Homeland Security from publishing the report below so they asked me to publish it | Post #3: Many people died to obtain the sent to me by the individual below who, for good reasons, wishes to remain anonymous | Blogger: This is something you might wanna look at. Most folks has no clue about the most powerful creepiest parasites of human minions (controllers) at the very top of the pyramid. Who's really pulling Trump's and world leaders strings? We're not talking about the alleged secret ancient aliens influence (The Elohim, Nefilim, Anunnaki, Chimera group, Archons, Greys & Reptilians races etc.) in which we cannot grasp the true form of human-alien hybrids. As always, use your own spiritual discernment... |

Hvem er så denne Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford (Født 1961) er journalist, forfatter af canadisk afstamning, der bor i Japan. Han taler 4 sprog, herunder japansk. Han arbejdede i Japan som en korrespondent for Knight Ridder, Den Internationale Financing Review, Nihon Keizai Shimbun engelsk udgave, og South China Morning Post, før hans dage på Forbes Magazine, hvor han var den asiatiske kontorchef fra 1998 til 2005. Hans efterforskningsmæssige rapporter forfulgte skandaler i den japanske regering og erhvervslivet. Efter at have forladt Forbes skrev han en række bøger i japansk hvoraf nogle blev bedste sælgere, og begyndte at offentliggøre på internettet. Han overgik til japansk statsborgerskab i 2007. Han fik en vis popularitet på internettet, efter at han gennemførte et interview med den sky David Rockefeller i november 2007.

By Benjamin Fulford

April 12, 2017

Warning from Japanese military police of possible April 13th mass terror attack on Tokyo.
The Japanese royal family is not going to be in Tokyo on that day. It is also a day of occult significance for the Satan worshippers. It is also in the middle of pass over, a Jewish holiday that celebrates the killing of innocent Egyptians through poison, germ warfare, infanticide etc.

The gnostic illuminati have issued the following warning to the Satanists: If you attack Tokyo then say goodbye to Jerusalem and Rome.

x-Dayは明後日13日夕方から夜とみています。 天皇陛下-何故かこの日のみ公務無し 皇太子殿下-羽田からマレーシアへ 秋篠宮様-広島へ 常陸宮様-沖縄へ 高松宮様-沖縄へ 数秘でも2+0+1+7=10 4+1+3=8 10+8=18=666 何かしらの儀式が控えている筈

By Benjamin Fulford

April 12, 2017 
Posted at 15:40

Veteran’s today was blocked by US Homeland Security from publishing the report below so they asked me to publish it. I do not agree with everything Gordon Duff says or writes but this report is based on credible, on the ground reporting and needs to be made available to the world at larg.

The unpleasant truth behind the recent Syrian gas attack.....

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor and Nahed al Husaini, Damascus

Veterans Today sent a team to Idlib from Turkey and then to Damascus, through rebel lines, to make the following report. Though the report is not comprehensive, it outlines the real situation “on the ground” at Khan Sheikhoun, what really happened and what is happening now. This was not done without considerable risk and without, as part of the process, VT being hacked by US Army Cyber Command and subjected to a National Security Letter by DHS and threatened to remain silent, which we are obviously ignoring.

The story below is not what is convenient, not what Russia and Syria are telling, it is simply the truth. We begin:
Plans for the April 2017 attack on Khan Sheikhoun, an town known to host an al Nusra command center, began some two weeks ago. The committee to plan the attack was coordinated on the ground in Idlib by Amir Abou al Baraa al Sheshani of al Nusra and the Turkish Army intelligence command, housed at Khan Sheikhoun, commanded by Colonel Osmon Ozon.
Sheshani returns from the dead yet again.

There have been many claims that Sheshani has been killed, two from 2016 alone. We can confirm that he is coordinating al Nusra forces and combined FSA/Turkish military in Idlib province..... [READ MORE]

Blogger: Perhaps these articles will help?

Ordered Censored by Trump: Swedish Medical Associations Says White Helmets Murdered Kids for Fake Gas Attack Videos

By Benjamin Fulford

April 12, 2017 
Posted at 15:29

Many people died to obtain the sent to me by the individual below who, for good reasons, wishes to remain anonymous

I like to comment about something you said in the video titled: "Benjamin Fulford On David Rockefeller's Passing & the Power Vacuum Created. The Ochelli Effect 2017"

In the video you say that you believe "the Rothchilds are neutral and just want to be left alone". I can tell you that all those in positions of absolute power like the Queen of England, The Rothchilds, The Bushes, The Clintons, The Rockefellers, The Pope, The hidden Jesuit Hierarchy, etc. they are all ONE big happy blood family. They are all cousins, nephews, uncles & nieces to each other. I know some of these people so don't let them fool you!

They are like Medusa, one single but intricate brain with many little serpent heads attached. The main figures are not even in the public eye, the top of the pyramid are known as the black nobility AKA Ancient Egyptian Ptolemaic Dynasty Rulers; The Saturnalia brotherhood, "The Real 13 Zoroastrian Bloodlines of The Illuminati"

The following list of crime families are in total control of the company of Jesus (Jesuits), High Grey Council Of Ten, the Black Pope, the White Pope and everything else you often talk about including all kingdoms around the globe. These are the families that make up the intricate brain/head of the serpent. The self-designated Luciferian Demi-Gods who rule over their own G.O.D. (Gold-Oil-Drugs):

House of Borja
House of Breakspeare
House of Somaglia
House of Orsini (Orso)
House of Conti
House of Chigi
House of Colonna
House of Farnese
House of Medici
House of Gaetani
House of Pamphili
House of Este
House of Aldobrandini

As you noticed the Rothchilds don't make it to the top 13. There are of course other powerful crime families like the Maximus Family, The Pallavicini (Maria Camila Pallavicini is more powerful than Queen Elizabeth) Yes, Queen Elizabeth is a subordinate to this people. The most powerful man in the word is The Grey Pope, his name is Pepe Orsini and he lives somewhere in Italy, most likely Venice & The Vatican. He controls the Black & White Popes who are now both commoners. The Grey Pope always remains unseen!

Blogger: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vatican/esp_vatican144.htm

Did you notice David Rothchild married Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini? Because they are all one huge family who are always changing their last names to keep the conspiracy hidden and to avoid public scrutiny. Many of this people now live in Asia, mainly China, India, Japan, Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines. What does that tell you, Yes, to create the New NWO with Asia at the helm? This is why they slowly moved all the US manufacturing infrastructure to Asia & China.
In short, the Black Pope is the President of this world and the Bourbon King of Spain is the Monarch of the world (Not Queen Elizabeth as most believe) He controls the vatican through the Jesuits -The Spanish Borgias/Borja created the Jesuits- He is also Known as the King Of Jerusalem (What does this tells you about who secretly rules Zionists-Khazarian rough state of Israel?) and the Grey Pope is the "designated" Ruler of it all!

If you are wondering why are always Italians & not Spaniards ruling Vatican city? Because their modus operandi is to always run the show behind the scenes without any publicity or public acclaim and as to not arouse the 500+ age- old Italian hatred for the Spanish. (for details of this see the history of terrible reign of Pope Alexander VI & also The Divorce of Henry VIII -England- from Catherine of Aragon -Spain)

We need to stop looking at Countries as enemies and start looking for those bloodlines & their foot soldiers such as the Comm. of 300, Builderbergs, Trilateral Comm., etc. as the true enemies not only of the human race but of all life upon this planet! if we really want to create the Power vacuum we need on the top of the Pyramid of power to effectively start implementing some real changes we need to move on this Demonized people. Don't mind about the art & treasure stored within their compounds, for every year one of them live 100,000 of us die. What treasure could be worth that much? We need to nuke them before they nuke us, simple logic Benjamin.

One last note, the best US political leader we have is by far, Ron Paul. He has proven to be the ideal leader for the USA, research him carefully. Lets not support another clown for office. Paul Ryan or any military man would be disastrous as well. They only know to follow orders, it is amazing how mind controlled the military people is, alway following orders blindly (see this 1 min video):

It was such relief to read what you said about Donald Trump in this week report. I am glad you now see him for what he truly is.