Feb 12, 2017

How The IMF Really Works - The International Monetary Fund (Lars Rohde is the most powerful man in the Danish business community - Denmark's representative IMF Governor, Danmarks Nationalbank.. Apart from the Federal Reserve (FED), it's true, that Rothschild owns all central banks..)

 Published first time December 27, 2015 by Verdensalt

Update: Feb 9, 2016 - Lars Rohde is just a 'small fish in a big pond' worldwise of the Zionist  Dark Nobility "cabal Banksters", much more important key player to the world at large, just turned over a new leaf and went rogue to the Khazarian Financial System he defended for 49 years. Whistleblower - High Profile Investment Banker - Mads Palsvig has set off a giant cyclone circling truth which never stops spinning.... "An Investment Banker speaks out" (English subtitles)  

Youtube: Published on Jun 16, 2015 From the Brother Nathanael Foundation!
One of my friends was inspired to start prepping the meal of power structure of IMF or at least curious about if Denmark has been caught with their hand in the cookie jar.. so here's my version why Denmark has so much influence in the geopolitical stage and within IMF finance system....Please use your own discernment before believing anything stated in the blog post... Text and language is largely my own, references to articles do not necessarily reflect my own opinion, but are angles that can refine the topic from experts. Let the blog post inspire you to seek the truth...

So far, apart from the Federal Reserve (FED), it is true that Rothschild owns all central banks. Denmark went bankrupt in the year 1813, by the year 1814, Denmark lost Norway to Sweden by the Treaty of Kiel. Denmark has forced to take huge loans from Nathan Rothschild... Since then, Danmarks Nationalbank is owned by the Illuminati global banking dynasty? 'Centralbanks' across the globe is enmeshed in the Illuminati's global banking network.....Did you know, Denmark's loan commitment to the IMF totalled kr. 86.4 billion in 2014? That's 60 pct more than 2008 loan commitment... What kind of Power do Denmark get from the money loan, you might ask? Or, is Denmark obligated to maintain the Economic globalization and pay their dues for the Cabal banksters to continue the scheme?

Here's 3D matrix of illuion of why's: The Danish mortgage finance system has been a mainstay of the economy for literally hundred s of years and has performed well in extremely difficult circumstances. Danish covered bonds backed by mortgage loans are: of high credit quality; very liquid; and among the best & largest investment alternatives to government bonds in the world... Covered bonds backed by mortgage loans totaled nearly €360 billion at the end of 2013, second only to Spain (just over €400 billion) in aggregate amount. The stock of covered bonds is equivalent to 143 percent of GDP, more than four times as large as in any other country. The covered bond market is also nearly four times larger than the Danish government debt market. Denmak/IMF Financial Sector Assessment Program

Læs også: Nationalbanken har sænket renten på indskudsbeviser tre gange på 11 dage. Nationalbankdirektør Lars Rohde optrapper kampen for at svække kronen.

The rulling elite in Denmark

From the book: "Magteliten – Hvordan 423 danskere styrer landet"

Who are the members of the most powerful group in the Danish society? To answer this question, we explored the elite through two different methodological approaches. Using correspondence analysis, we charted the oppositions structuring two exclusive groups, the 100 most important Danish CEOs and the 1,527 elite individuals identified in the Danish Power and Democracy Study in 1999. Through social network analysis, we identified and explored the integration of a core of the power network in Denmark – the power elite - and the inner circle of the corporate elite. - 5,079 different networks, 56,536 different items and 37,750 different Danes. That's what Anton Grau Larsen and Christopher Ellersgaard, both sociologists, has spent four years mapping for subsequent boiling it down to just 423 powerful people. It has been two doctoral dissertations and book "The ruling elite - how 423 Danes governing the country".... 

You can also download the list of 423 persons. Both according to how well are connected in the network by name and by their organization.. Lars Rohde is placed as number 33 on the list, Bjarne Corydon as 258....

What's the real connection between IMF, Dong, Goldman Sachs, coverend bond market, Lars Rohde (ATP & DK NB) and Bjarne Corydon (ex-finansminister)? Lots of hard questions and nobody knows, one of the biggest secrets beside, why Danish government went to war in Iraq in 2003 ...
'search' bar for 'DONG' on verdensalt
September 2015 newspaper posting : The new shareholders of Dong Energy in the form of Goldman Sachs and ATP may be forced to sell violently out of their shares when the energy company within 18 months of going on the stock exchange. According to Berlingske Business Thursday with reference to the fact that there is an agreement among the "old" shareholders - ie the state and a number of small Danish energy companies - which means that all are required to proportionally to sell the same number of shares through an IPO. link

Big money bin means power

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