Feb 13, 2017

Experts warn of "cosmic false flag" that will fool all of humanity (VIDEOS) (Naturalnews excerpts: ".. Not kidding: Experts are now warning about a "cosmic false flag" that they claim will use human-created technology to FAKE a convincing, hoaxed "alien invasion." Sounds crazy, right? But you wouldn't believe what technology already exists to pull this off.. Such an event, the experts say, could be pulled off by a combination of advanced human-made exotic aircraft, advanced holographic technology and a complicit global media already practiced in the art of engineering elaborate fake news (CNN, Washington Post, etc.) to propagandize gullible viewers. Truth be told, most humans believe whatever they’re told to believe, even it’s based on no supportable evidence whatsoever (case in point: the global climate change hoax).. Project Blue Beam -- As the Mark Dice video explains below, the Washington Post even ran a story in 1999 detailing how the U.S. military planned to stage an “appearance of God” in Iraq in order to make the people there fall into line. That WashPo story, which also describes how the U.S. military was able to perfectly fake the voice of any person saying anything they wanted, is still published at this link. Note that this technology already existed in 1999. It is now 18 years later. Imagine the applications for a massive “cosmic false flag” roll out that fakes the voice of Donald Trump.. The false flag “alien attack” can also be augmented, other experts say, by present-day audio projection technology that can literally project full human speech (and other sounds) into the heads of large groups of people. It’s called a “radio frequency hearing effect.” .The following video provides a quick demonstration of this technology at work as part of a city billboard marketing campaign..")

(Natural News) Now for something completely different…

As our world become ever more strange by the day, numerous UFO experts are warning about what might be the most bizarre event in human history: A “cosmic false flag” where, they claim, desperate governments of the world stage a massive fake alien invasion to finally complete their goal of ensuring total human obedience under a never-ending “the aliens are coming” false hysteria. It may sound crazy to the uninitiated, but listen to the experts below before making up your mind, and check out the Washington Post’s coverage of some of the technology that can help make this happen (link below).

Such an event, the experts say, could be pulled off by a combination of advanced human-made exotic aircraft, advanced holographic technology and a complicit global media already practiced in the art of engineering elaborate fake news (CNN, Washington Post, etc.) to propagandize gullible viewers. Truth be told, most humans believe whatever they’re told to believe, even it’s based on no supportable evidence whatsoever (case in point: the global climate change hoax).

(Note from Adams: Based on what I’ve seen from humanity so far, people don’t even need holograms to fall for a false flag. Most people will literally hallucinate whatever images the mainstream media is trying to put into their heads, literally fabricating false visual memories to fit the narrative they’ve been exposed to in the controlled media.)

Dr. Stephen Greer of Sirius Disclosure

One of the best known researchers who speaks publicly about a “cosmic false flag” event is Dr. Stephen Greer of Sirius Disclosure, an organization dedicated to unveiling the truth about real extraterrestrials as well as organized human hoaxes intended to trick the masses.

According to Dr. Greer, many (but not all) of the so-called “UFO” events being witnessed around the world involve craft that are manufactured by humans. He furthermore asserts that the “military industrial complex” consists of a power structure far beyond the reach of even the U.S. President, and that such interests are planning a “cosmic false flag” event to trick humanity into thinking an alien invasion is taking place. (RELATED: Follow news and discussions about UFO events at UFOs.news.) See his full lecture here (story continues below)

CLAIM: A global power structure will pursue the radical depopulation of the planet in the very near future via “scripted Armageddon”

Continue reading at ... http://www.naturalnews.com/2017-02-12-ufo-experts-warn-of-cosmic-false-flag-event-claiming-deep-state-will-fake-alien-invasion.html