Dec 23, 2016

These Trump Numbers are Fascinating… 777 and 77

Somehow I found this on FB and in a comment by Benj Gonda (Benj’s FB page). They wrote:
on The Day of the Presidential Inauguration. Donald Trump will be 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old! 777. Perfect numbers :-) He also won the elecotral [electoral] vote 304-227 (Trump to Hillary) with a difference of 77 votes.
Number 7 resonates with the the ‘Collective Consciousness’, spiritual awakening and awareness, spiritual enlightenment, spiritual acceptance and development, mysticism, intuition and inner-knowing, inner-wisdom
The inauguration date is January 20, 2017. (ref)
Donald Trump’s birthday is June 14, 1946 (ref)
Trump’s age at inauguration will thus be 70 years (2016-1946), 7 months, 7 days (including day of inauguration). A 7-7-7
The final electoral tally (also here) was 304 (Trump) to 227 (Clinton). 304 – 227 = 77.
777 & 77 = 77777
That’s a lot of 7s. Here’s what my Doreen Virtue “Angel Numbers 101” has to say about those numbers.
777: “You are definitely on the right path in every area of your life. Stay balanced and spiritually aware so that you can continue moving forward on this illuminated path.”
77: “Keep up the great work! Everything you’re doing right now has the Midas touch!”
So whether you are behind the Trump or not, it certainly appears that these numbers are pointing in a positive direction. I would say this is a “huge (‘yooooge’) synchronicity”, as David Wilcock might say.
