Aug 14, 2016
Mainstream Media Now Literally Using Robots to Write News (Are we handing our world over to A.I.?...)
Posted: 12 Aug 2016 10:00 PM PDT
Corporate ownership of 90 percent of media outlets in the United States has made the term ‘mainstream journalist’ quite the oxymoron, but the Washington Post’s newest project eliminates ‘journalist’ from the equation entirely — robots are now writing the outlet’s ‘news.’
Using artificial intelligence technology, the Washington Post is ‘employing’ software to ‘write’ hundreds of news briefs highlighting key information about the Olympic Games in Rio in real-time.
“‘Heliograf,’ which was developed in-house, automatically generates short, multi-sentence updates for readers,” the Post proudly announced Friday, as if the news organization couldn’t predict the collective American jaw-drop at the notion a computer could simply replace a longstanding tradition of actual journalism.
“Automated storytelling has the potential to transform the Post’s coverage,” explained Jeremy Gilbert, director of strategic initiatives at the Washington Post, in what could easily be deemed the understatement of the year. “More stories, powered by data and machine learning, will lead to a dramatically more personal and customized news experience.
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Opening IP EXPO Europe 2016 is the renowned TEDx speaker & philosopher Nick Bostrom who examines the future of Artificial Intelligence and the impact on humankind.
And according to Bostrom, it’s cruicial we keep control!
Nick’s work influences the thinking of Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk and Bill Gates and spurred them to write an open letter to the world last year highlighting artificial intelligence and its risk to humanity.
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