Message from Teal
I arrived home today to find two boxes on my porch.
I opened them to find that my new book has finally been printed.
I'm so excited about this book. As you may already know,
The Completion Process is not just a book. It is a technique I
designed which enables people to unhook themselves from suffering.
Bringing this process around the world is a personal mission of
mine. I've dedicated almost all of my energy to this endeavor in
fact because I am so passionate about it. This is after all
the technique which I used to save my own life.
Now, here's my authenticity moment... The 'Layman'
is not supposed to know how the publishing industry works. So most
people don't know that books become best sellers based off of all the
sales that happen in the first week the book is available
publicly. All pre-sales go towards the count for that week.
So what many authors (who are not promoted by Oprah) do to get best
sellers is to simply put a ton of money forward and buy enough copies
of their own book that they make the best seller list. To me,
this strategy feels empty and lacks integrity. I would rather see
the information in this book actually get to people
who order the book. But having a best seller is a big deal
because the best seller list gets sent to so many venues. They
all want to feature what is popular. As a result, the book is
featured by sellers all around the world. This is how everyone in
the general demographic gets to know that a book even exists.
This is why one book goes big and another doesn't. Because
this is my personal mission to spread this technique around the world,
I am now asking for your help. Help me make my vision a reality
by helping me make my new book, The Completion Process, a best seller
by pre-ordering copies for you and your loved ones today! The
book goes public in less than 2 weeks. We are offering insanely
awesome deals for helping me to achieve this goal!! You have no idea
what helping me with this goal would mean to me personally. I
believe the world is ready and the time has come for a
consciousness book to hit the main stage. Becoming conscious is
no longer a luxury for us, it is a necessity. Consider this my
personal plea. Help me make this vision a reality by helping me
get The Completion Process on the best seller list. Help put the
world back together again. Love always, Teal Swan