Jul 18, 2016

3 Effective Health Supplements for Chemtrail Protection (Som jeg altid plejer at sige, detox, detox og detox. Ud over fulvussyre, zeolit og spirende jod, er der sikkert andre kosttilskud, der kan hjælpe, såsom medicinske svampe, Chlorella og spirulina eller økologisk koriander. Bruger selv kollorid sølv, matas tvekulsurt natron m.m...Chemtrails består bl.a. af: aluminium, barium, strontium, arsen, bly, kviksølv, kobber, mangan, og uran, som kan ophobes i kroppen og hjernen med katastrofale følger...Meget overrraskende samt overbevisende nye billeder fra Nordsjælland)

19th July 2016

By Lance Schuttler

Guest writer for Wake Up World

Public awareness of chemtrails is on the rise. According to Google Trends, the keyword search for “chemtrails” was at its highest ever in Google’s history in April of 2016 (the link to this chart can be seen here.) Contributing to this trend was late musician Prince’s YouTube video in which he discussed chemtrails, Chuck Norris (no this isn’t a Chuck Norris joke!) writing an article exposing chemtrails, and Vin Diesel also highlighting the reality of chemtrails/geoengineering on his Facebook page.

Geoengineering particulate typically include heavy metals like aluminum, barium, strontium, arsenic, lead, mercury, copper, manganese, and uranium, which can accumulate in the body and brain with devastating effects. With public awareness increasing, I began to think about ways we can protect ourselves against the harmful effects of chemtrails — and there are a number of health supplements that I would like to share with you today.

Søg på Verdensalt med "Chemtrails" eller Chemtrails Nordsjælland"
Besøgte grusgraven i Lynge i weekenden. Herunder nogen fantastiske billeder som ikke behøves nogen forklaring.