Jun 3, 2016

Uplift: Let's Give Kids Yoga

Let's give kids in impoverished areas a free yoga mat and access to free weekly yoga classes to provide them with a healthy head start in life...starting here in Bali, Indonesia.

The Story:
When the children of Ubud were asked what do you know about yoga? The children said...

1) Yoga is for tourists.
2) Yoga is expensive.
3) We cannot even afford a yoga mat.

This is a problem!
Here in Bali, Yoga is a cultural spiritual heritage for these kids. It is also one the main reasons people travel across the world to come to this very special place.

Here is a chance for us to give back

Beloved Balinese yoga teacher, Dewa Ramawa has started teaching the Balinese children of Ubud yoga.
Dewa is a world renowned yoga teacher and comes from a long lineage within this rich spritual practice. His parents were yoga teachers. His mother is 103 years old and still teaches yoga. Her parents were yoga teachers.
Dewa also volunteers his time to teach Balinese kids English.

Dewa is so dedicated to the children that he is has now begun also teaching the children yoga…FOR FREE. He will continue to do so.

He is however, using his own limited resources, saving up to buy 1 yoga mat at a time for the kids.

Let me say that again…

I bet you are asking " Is this man really making a difference? "


Dewa has over 100 students now and only 10 yoga mats!!!

According to Jodi Komitor, ( who is considered a leading authority on yoga for kids ) Yoga:
1. Maintains Flexibility and strengthens growing bodies
2. Enhances concentration
3. Increases Self Esteem
4. Teaches present moment awareness
5. Cultivates a peaceful, relaxed state of body and mind
6. Gives tools for stress management
7. Sparks creativity in ripe imaginations
8. Encourages kind peer and social interactions
9. Enchances body awareness
10. Teaches Discipline and responsibilty

A donation of just $50 will give a child in Bali access to yoga for a year and a yoga mat.

Every little bit helps!!!

You can make a huge difference in the lives of children in Bali, help keep them healthy, and give them access to skills they need to get out of poverty.

Will you help them?

Please make a donation so these children can continue to learn yoga and more children can join them. And if helping children is important to you, please share this with someone you love, and give them the oportunity to help a child succeed and stay out of poverty.

Your support is greatly appreciated. Every little bit makes a difference. This is an opportunity for you to make a difference.

Supported by UPLIFT http://upliftconnect.com/
Hosts of the free YOGA DAY SUMMIT on June 21