May 7, 2016

Mount St Helens is recharging 36 years after 'deadliest blast in US history’: Volcano’s replenished magma stores are setting off a series of earthquakes, warn scientists - May 7, 2016 CET

Washington’s notorious volcano is best known for its ‘cataclysmic’ 1980 eruption, which brought devastation and destruction that stretched on for miles, and visible ash fall nearly 1000 miles away. The event killed 57 people and blasted more than 1,300 feet off the top of the mountain. Now, scientists say its recharging

  • Scientists detected more than 130 small magnitude quakes since March 
  • The earthquakes are steadily increasing, with up to 40 occurring per week 
  • This behaviour indicates that Mount St Helens is slowly recharging 
  • But so far, scientists say there have been no signs of an imminent eruption

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