Ted Cruz positioned his campaign as an "outsider," but he was fueled by insider money and insider interests all along. Ultimately, he got "out-outsided" by the ultimate outsider, Donald Trump. "From the start, Cruz had premised his candidacy on the idea that 2016 would be an election driven by resentment toward the established GOP order. It was a strategy that looked prescient as Cruz steadily rose in the polls throughout 2015 and broke into the top tier in Iowa in early 2016," reports Politico. "But what Cruz did not expect is that he would be outmatched in outsider anger by Trump."
Cruz's exit leaves Trump almost certain to win the Republican nomination, causing Natural News readers and fans to turn their focus to the Democrat side of this race, where the "Bride of Frankenfood" Hillary Clinton is literally stealing the race from Bernie Sanders, an outspoken proponent of GMO labeling and a strong voice for countering the monopolies of corporations like Monsanto.
Nearly all Natural News readers are either Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders fans. Nobody wants Hillary Clinton in office... not even most Democrats
Let's get Bernie into position and sweep Hillary out of the way for good!
Bernie Sanders pulled out an amazing victory in Indiana today, thrusting the Democrat establishment into total disarray. "I know that the Clinton campaign thinks this campaign is over. They're wrong," Sanders said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press from New Albany, Indiana. "Maybe it's over for the insiders and the party establishment but the voters today in Indiana had a different idea." (SOURCE)If Hillary Clinton continues to steal the rigged nomination, this race will end up pitting Clinton, a Monsanto operative, against Trump, a courageous anti-establishment candidate who can't be bought off by Monsanto money.
Let us all hope that the influencers on the left can upset Clinton and get Bernie into position for the nomination. If that happens, Monsanto will have lost both parties and we might end up with an opportunity for ending the corporate agriculture monopolies that are devastating our farmers, poisoning our crops and contaminating our food supply with cancer-causing glyphosate herbicide.
Once Trump secures the nomination on the Republican side, Natural News reporters are going to attempt to determine Trump's position on GMOs, Monsanto and glyphosate. He hasn't detailed his views on such topics yet, but we do know that he's already pro organic food, so there's hope for a rational position that opposes the mass poisoning of the food supply by the agriculture giants (and the EPA which actively and deliberately conspires with Monsanto to poison the American people with cancer chemicals).
Stay tuned to Natural News for more updates on all this.
NOTE: We don't cover pure politics on Natural News anymore, but we do cover candidates' positions on GMOs, vaccines, fluoride, complementary medicine and similar issues of great interest to our readers.