Apr 8, 2016

Chinese Elders, Global Currency Reset, NESARA, & More - Debunked by Anna von Reitz

Anna Maria Riezinger, also known as Anna von Reitz because my actual name is German and a mile long. I am an American Common Law Superior Court Judge in Alaska where operation of the Seventh Amendment Courts started up again in conjunction with the Common Law Grand Juries more than a year ago and I also serve as a Federal Postal District Court Judge for the Western Region.....

Debunking We Go—-An Endless Game of Whump the Weasels

April 7, 2016

Now that the information is finally getting out and being understood, that is to say, “critical mass” has been reached demanding reform and redress, the big danger is that we will be “fooled again”.

The crooks responsible for this are parasites and like any parasites, they know when to leave a dying host like the UNITED STATES, INC. They packed up in 2009, folks, and by 2012 had found business partners in China willing to help them get a new start in exchange for not only return of Chinese gold that was legitimately owed to the Chinese, but the use (loan) of vast amounts of gold that is in fact owed to us.

Recently a lot of well-intentioned people have been passing around notices and “news announcements” about the “New Republic” and about the “Global Reset” and how we have $800 trillion in European banks and how NESARA was supposedly passed at the point of a gun back in the 1990’s and “somehow” just never got here, either. Oh, and let’s not forget the “Chinese Elders” who came out of nowhere and kindly offered us the loan of billions of dollars of gold so that we could play in their new casino.

Grow up and wise up, people.

It’s true that practically everyone else on the planet owes us a lot of money instead of us owing them.

That much is absolutely true.

It’s also true that the gold the “Chinese Elders” are “loaning” us is gold that belongs to us, so that nothing has changed in this latest “offer” from the pigs—albeit, using Chinese Elders to do it. If we go back to sleep we will still be paying THEM for the use of our own assets. See? They “loan” our gold to the Chinese, the Chinese then loan it to us, we pay the Chinese interest on our own gold and both the Chinese and the rats benefit.

Continue Reading at ..http://www.ascensionwithearth.com/