Blogger: We hear from Cobra and our light forces, darkhat hackers will be taken out...But in Denmark - Danish Defence Intelligence Service- are actual recruiting hackers to espionage on foreign countries around the world. According to Defence Intelligence, there will be a hidden code in a ad trying to hijack the applicants for the first hacker academy in Denmark, which goes live in August 2016... Only specialists will be able to understand spyservice's ad code - only a select group of specialists will understand the code in the ad for the Defence Intelligence hacker academy, acc. to several expert.....Since FE espionage, targeting overseas activities, 'hacker corps' are protected under legal Danish law and with large technical resources in the back, they are able to do all the nasty things, which normal citizens are kick in jail for, in any other context...."They are looking for people to 'attack mode', it must be remembered. It is a given that they exist, but whether they will work for the Danish state, I do not know, "says Jesper Lund.
Læs også: De ansatte hos Apple vil ikke medvirke til at bryde ind i beskyttede iPhone-telefoner - de er klar til at sige op, hvis FBI tvinger Apple til det
Evan from FFTF
The FBI is trying to force Apple to write software that could be used to hack every iPhone on the planet — and next week, a federal court will decide whether or not Apple has to comply. Take action right now demanding the court side with Apple and save security.
Last month, the FBI got a judge to order Apple to create a backdoor into the iPhone so they could access the phone of one of the San Bernardino shooters. The thing is, they didn’t ask Apple to crack just that one phone — they asked Apple to create a backdoor that would let the FBI access any iPhone.
Undermining the security that protects our most valuable information is completely unacceptable. Encryption saves lives every day. The engineers and security professionals who protect our hospitals, our airports, our water treatment facilities, and so much more depend on the security of their phones to keep us all safe.
This case isn’t just about phones. What the FBI wants Apple to do would set a precedent that puts us all in danger. Security saves lives. Now we need to #SaveSecurity.
We’re going to deliver tens of thousands of signatures to the courthouse right before the hearing, when we know everyone will be paying attention to the case. Take action right now to make sure your name is included.
As dangerous as this backdoor is on its own, though, the most terrifying part of this case is the precedent it sets. If Apple can be forced to write software to open the iPhone, the government will have grounds to request the same access of every device. But it gets worse.
If Apple provides this backdoor to the US government, other countries, many with horrific human rights records will request the same access — and Apple won’t have nearly the same standing to tell them no.
Thanks for all you do,
~ Evan