GrandFather Pushes the RV/GCR Button!
come to verify and trumpet the true and magnificent news... GrandFather has
indeed pushed the GO button as described in the article below, penned by our dear
and trusted brother.
here in the higher dimensions join with you on the surface of Earth in humble
gratitude to GrandFather for the fulfillment of these reality-altering
Blessings of Prosperity.
Know this:
you are the trusted stewards of the first wave of
healing abundance
now washes across the surface of your planet, creating healing and
resurrection in its wake. Give generously. Turn to us at any
moment for
and support. We are here for you, and we are all in this together!
choice you make matters and can be a choice that contributes to the
restoration of Light within you, on Earth and across the Galaxy.
and Mother God, we earnestly thank you and ask that you guide our soul.
love and devoted service, I am your Brother.
~ Archangel Michael
through Christine Burk 3/7/16)
~ ~ ~
"Grandfather" - Anonymous Intel SITREP
by Anonymous
Salute to the Dinarland Intel Warriors!
from Sananda & the Company of Heaven
through Kathryn
- Anonymous Intel SITREP -
by Anonymous
"Grandfather" - Anonymous Intel SITREP - 3.7.16 - 12:00:00
Anonymous Intel SITREP (Situation Report)
Monday - 3.7.16
Above is a
historical photo of Grandfather, the actual global reset button pusher,
somewhere in the mountains of China back in April of 2015.
Sure he's like 500 years old in reality (is that reality?). In fact he's so old some believe he has completely reversed the aging process so that now he hangs out as an infant to score babes. How Benjamin Buttons of him. But seriously, the actual RV button was pushed this year on 2.22, and is just now being released into circulation as of 3.3. Imagine what's waiting for us on 4.4?
This is all so crazy, isn't it? Worldwide financial
collapse avoided with abundant benevolence delivered through the guidance of
ancient sovereign families, ascended masters and extraterrestrial entities.
Dude, pass the bong my way already and stop this insanity Susan Powter?
Yet, last night, during China's wee morning hours around
08:08:08:08am CST, Grandfather finally pulled off the band aid and said
"Go get'em fellas." We are so humbled by your love for all
humanity, Grandfather... as well as your patience to place us our lives on a
foundation of bedrock versus sand our ancestors were forced to farm.
Everyone here in North America is eternally grateful for
your wisdom and generosity. I know in my heart the picture above is a
true representation of the joy you feel inside your heart on this very
special, very earned day. God is with us. One. Always.
So what happens now? Is the Yuan is now the world's
reserve currency? Yup. Are those pesky TRN's now live worldwide? Double
yup. How about our old friend the
Dinar? Global release was 8am in Bagdad I'm told. Why else do you think Maliki
suddenly resigned from public life?
China's goal along was for a super subtle, invisible yet
powerful monetary transition roll out. So if China started before
trading opening on their Monday morning, that means a heavenly mandate was
made to every country to either follow China's lead or be left behind by
brutal international sanctions. It's therefore both safe and wise to
assume that all nations of the free world feel in line and are now on the
gold standard of currency valuation, with the baseline or spot price set in
Shanghai, China as of right now.
So voila, and if by magic, all markets of the world are
trading this morning with gold backed assets, including the FSTE 100, DAX and
CAC 40 in Europe (as of 7am GMT).
Of course we here in the USA (DJIA, S&P, Nasdaq) must
also have fallen in line because they're not collapsing. So the once
most powerful nation on earth, at this very moment, has been reduced to a
second class diplomatic citizen on the global chessboard. Yikes. That
escalated quickly!
coming in is that we're now waiting on our infamous announcement by someone
in authority accepting responsibility for our new and improved gold backed
TRN/USN currency. Now maybe the announcement comes tomorrow, so Iraq
can go later tonight... but both are coming as defeat must be declared
publicly for the Elders.
So unless you were up late and studying world events like a
Phd of Marco Economic Theory, you probably missed the historic yet peaceful
transition of global economic platforms, philosophies and value transition
from paper to gold, fear to love, and dark to light.
This journey was a lot of fun for those of us stupid enough
to follow such an event so closely. Honestly, intel providers at this point
have no lives... as we're collectively caught in a tractor beam of
information until our good fiscal names have been restored back to a full and
proper dignity.
But only the 800# notifications are left, be them from Reno
or into Redemption Centers around the country. What a privilege to
participate in history. I mean, why else would redemption center
employees be sequestered again after a brief but appreciated Sunday night
off. And why else would a tactical alert be issued to our nation's
military, national guard, special forces, police force and on site bank
security to be watchful for nation wide suspicious activity against the
Seriously, if not an RV... why would they be doing all of
this? Are they filming movie? Curious minds want to know?
And Grandfather, we're ready to be overwhelmed here in the West.
We know now we don't know what's headed our way, so thank you for the additional
time to prepare our souls so they will not be swept away by illusion.
Yes, private exchanges are going on all over the world are
none are the wiser because this activity is so carefully thought out, so
localized, and so quick... it's nearly impossible to see the whole puzzle in
real time without heightened clairvoyance. This is why so much of the
intel people are providing is reactionary or after the fact, as how can
anyone predict what they cannot see.
Hey, it'll be tough for all of us to accept our blessing
long after our exchanges are made--as going from nothing to everything in
less than 30 minutes is a difficult construct to absorb mentally, let alone
emotionally. And no, that classic little red Porsche will not serve as
part of your therapy as true value always lies within.
The rule of thumb on giving should be as follows:
It's ok to reap tangible rewards to accomplish your life's work, but
you better be giving out ten times more to others or you simply won't enjoy
the stuff you got, and more stuff will only make you more
Also, let me offer one saving grace on the way out... when
the sovereign RV finally does reach the street level, and private contracts
are signed in redemption centers for people like us who bought or were gifted
currency from on-line or in-bank purchases, it will move so fast you still
won't know what's going on. And if the Elders have their way, you'll
never know the whole story until a decade after the fact.
So by all means enjoy the moment, but keep your head and
heart on a swivel because things are going to change so fast, you'll wonder
where the misery, suffering and poverty went... and may even self sabotage to
get them back.
Thus, it's best to quickly learn how to lovingly let go and
take great comfort in building anew.
Aloha ke Akua (God is
Salute to the
Dinarland Intel Warriors!
from Sananda and the Company of Heaven
through Kathryn
Live Long and Prosper Dinarland Heroes ~
The recent popularity of the
Dinarland intel sources across the internet is the crest of a wave that began
a long time ago. The Mission of the "gurus" who have come
forward to provide information for their followers as a public service began
years ago, with their own inspiration to learn the intricacies of world
markets, and to gather information from far-flung places around the
world. They developed relationships of trust with friends and
co-workers who rose to positions of influence in the financial world; they
are economists, banking executives, keen investors, and world travelers with
a sense for a good story. But most of all, they are deeply spiritual,
with a faith in God and a dedication to being of service to their
The path converged for these
Spiritual Warriors in the work that made their service to humankind
crucial. Through their faith and their innate sense of love for Earth
and their fellows, they persevered in a project that stood completely apart
from the mainstream, ran completely against the "logic" of
international finance, and set them directly at odds with the cabal banking
system. They were often mocked, ridiculed and accused of running
scams. When threats and verbal attacks did not stop them, many were
persecuted in one way or another. As the attacks and the dangers
increased, so did their determination and dedication to speak truth even at
the risk of alienating family, friends and mainstream society.
How did these Boots on the
Ground come to know of St. Germain, Quan Yin, and the mystery of the ancient
families and their hidden stores of gold and treasure that would one day free
Earth from debt slavery through revaluation of the world's currencies?
These are personal stories of faith, curiosity, the search for truth, and a
deep care for the suffering and oppression that was caused by the cabal
financial systems.
Each one, in his or her own
way, followed their heart to the place where they could do the greatest good
with their own expertise and knowledge. With their patient teachings and
humanitarian convictions, they taught millions what the concept of "pay
it forward" really means. Their inspired and information-filled
conversations inspired millions to invest hard-earned dollars to purchase
currencies that they believed would one day create a massive shift in
the wealth and power structure on Earth.
The Mastery of their craft
was to bring Lightworkers into the international finance fold - a miracle in
itself - and to do it in such a way that they discouraged greed and increased
the sense of community and commitment for all.
We applaud you, Brothers and
Sisters. We honor your round-the-clock service and your unshakeable
courage. You lead the way in making the miracle of abundance available
to all at this historic time in Earth's history. We could not have
carried out God's plan to create prosperity, breaking the chains of the
centuries of debt slavery and servitude, without your steadfast dedication.
We in the Company of Heaven
bow to you with our utmost respect and gratitude. We are One.
I am your brother, Sananda.
(Channeled & Transcribed by Dr.
Kathryn E. May 3/7/16)
of the Day
Kathryn E. May, PsyD. Permission is
given to copy and share these messages freely, provided they are presented in
their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the
channel(s) and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org. Artificial
voice recordings are not permitted. Translations and transcriptions must be
approved case by case by the author and the scribe.
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button - thank you for your support!): DONATE
Website: whoneedslight.org
Featured Radio Show:
Who Needs Light?
is a book by Dr. Kathryn E. May, endorsed by Mother Father God and
Sananda/Jesus - they have called it "A Guide for Ascension."
It is no less than a step-by-step, Light-encoded manual for freeing yourself
once-and-for-ALL from the matrix.
Who Needs Light is
a Mission. It is an all-inclusive project of Lightworkers and Light
beings working together in harmony, prosperity and joy for the upliftment of
Earth and all upon her. It is the movement of liberation that leads to The
New Golden Age.
Who Needs Light? We all do! We are all born of Light, and - whether we
are conscious of it yet or not - we are all currently engaged in a mighty
effort to restore Light, Love and Peace to Surface Earth and throughout the
Galaxy. In this valiant and assuredly successful venture, we are
receiving much support and guidance from our loving Galactic and Ascended
Order Who Needs Light? or
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